Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Isfahan’s Steel Company is and has always been one of the largest industrial complexes in Iran.  Despite this, and although workers  have been involved in industrial action to improve their working conditions,  Iran’s Steel Company workers  have never benefited from the right to form any type of trade union , workers organisation…  to defend their… Continue reading Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad

Despite unrelenting state repression, there have been rumblings throughout the 2000s of renewed labor organizing inside the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). One result of this upsurge in labor organizing was the May 2005 re-founding of the Syndicate of Workers of the United Bus Company of Tehran and Suburbs, a union that has a long… Continue reading Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad

Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

Iranian workers are on the offensive, reports Chris Strafford 2010 has begun the way 2009 ended in the Islamic Republic of Iran, with millions protesting in cities and towns across the country. But the dangers facing the Iranian people have undoubtedly increased over the last few weeks. Further sanctions are being put in place, and… Continue reading Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

Iran executes another political prisoner

On the morning of Wednesday, January 6th at 4:00am, Fasih Yasamani, a political prisoner, was hanged in Khoy Prison. According to a report from the Committee of Human Rights Activists in Kurdistan, the execution officials unexpectedly and without following the legal procedure executed this Kurdish citizen who was a native of the village Khoy (located… Continue reading Iran executes another political prisoner

جلسه محرمانه فرمانده هان بسیج قسمت سوم

صدای ضبط شده از جلسه محرمانه فرمانده هان بسیج ضد شورش ، روشهای جلوگیری از اغتشاش و تاکتیکهای سرکوب معترضین These are recordings of Pasdaran commanders discussing tactics and were made on July 17 and are in Farsi only. Below are the videos which have been uploaded to Youtube:

More Iranian socialists arrested

Rouzbeh Karimi a marxist activist and law graduate who wrote for the leftist magazines such as Rokhdad Magazine has been arrested along with his partner Forough Karimi who has recently been involved in defending political prisonders and is also a Marxist. They were both arrested on Friday January 1. No charges have been made yet. دو عضو دیگر سازمان… Continue reading More Iranian socialists arrested

Ashura protestors face possible death penalty for “war against Islam”

In a clear display of desperation  the Revolutionary Guard has released a statement saying:  “The devoted Basijis of Greater Tehran will smother all the voices that come out of the throat of the enemies of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic.” (Persian2English blog) this comes amidst further calls from clerics, members of the Iranian… Continue reading Ashura protestors face possible death penalty for “war against Islam”

Attacks on Mashhad University Students

On December 30 two students were critically wounded and scores injured by knife wielding members of Ansar-e Hezbollah and Basij militia, up to 500 thugs were brought in to attack students at Mashhad University after they staged anti-regime protests during Ashura. One of the students professors was also attacked and sustained knife wounds, whilst a… Continue reading Attacks on Mashhad University Students

Regime threatens mass murder whilst left activists are arrested

    Below is a brief report of the moves the regime has been taking against known leftwing activists and the threats that leading officialis have been giving on state television. This report was sent to us by  Anahita Hosseini of the ‘Independent Leftist Students’ who represent an anti-imperialist socialist tendency within the student movement in Iran After… Continue reading Regime threatens mass murder whilst left activists are arrested

27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

December 27 was the bloodiest and most violent convulsion in Iran since the June elections. Millions of ordinary Iranians came out onto the streets to use the Ashura ceremonies and mourning as a focal point of opposition protests. In every part of Iran security forces backed up by Basij militia and the revolutionary guard (Pasdaran)… Continue reading 27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday