Audio interview with Yassamine Mather

In-depth interview with Yassamine Mather, chair of the Hands Off the People of Iran (HOPI) with the American ‘Stop Imperialism’. They discuss the geopolilitical issues surrounding Iran ranging from the controversy regarding the nuclear program to Iran’s relations with the West and the SCO. In addition, they examine some of the internal politics of Iran,… Continue reading Audio interview with Yassamine Mather

جلسه محرمانه فرمانده هان بسیج قسمت سوم

صدای ضبط شده از جلسه محرمانه فرمانده هان بسیج ضد شورش ، روشهای جلوگیری از اغتشاش و تاکتیکهای سرکوب معترضین These are recordings of Pasdaran commanders discussing tactics and were made on July 17 and are in Farsi only. Below are the videos which have been uploaded to Youtube: