The Voice of the Iranian Revolution

The following appeal for international solidarity has come from inside Iran and we the undersigned declare our support for this call, and hope you will join us by adding your name to it. HOPI encourages our supporters to sign the statement here:

Honouring the victims

On October 9 a group of Iranian revolutionaries, now mainly based in North America and Europe, organised an online meeting to commemorate the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Among the speakers were Yassamine Mather, Shahin Chitsaz and Mike Macnair In recent years – especially since the start of the nuclear confrontations/negotiations between Iran’s Islamic Republic… Continue reading Honouring the victims

Categorised as Solidarity

Solidarity messages to Iranian oil workers

Oil and gas workers in Iran on one-day and other short-term contracts have gone on strike. They are demanding the reinstatement of sacked colleagues, full-time employment, better pay, more time off to see their families, improved living conditions and an end to the special economic zones and the system of subcontracting. The strike was initiated… Continue reading Solidarity messages to Iranian oil workers

نه به اتحادهای غیراصولی

یاسمین میظر- برگردان: ماهان نوری در پی اعتراضات دی ماه، اتفاق نظر عموم بر این بود که اکثریت ایرانیان با وضعیت اقتصادی وخیمی مواجه­اند، در عین حال که پایین­ترین لایه­های طبقه کارگر با گرسنگی و فقر کامل دست به گریبان­اند. با این حال، سلطنت­طلبان تبعیدی و در میان شگفتی بخشی از «چپ» مقیم خارج، همچنان… Continue reading نه به اتحادهای غیراصولی

Categorised as Solidarity

Free Reza Shahabi now!

Reza Shahabi – an Iranian labour activist member of the executive committee of the VAHED Bus Union – has been on hunger strike for almost 40 days in prison in Iran. According to the latest reports from Tehran, his protest is now having grave physical effects on him and he has become paralysed down the… Continue reading Free Reza Shahabi now!

Half-Marathon for Workers Fund Iran

Workers Fund Iran does excellent work raising practical solidarity with working class people (employed and unemployed) in Iran. Iranians suffer both from the effects of US-led sanctions and the neoliberal and repressive policies of their own regime. These factors combined with the global economic crisis have resulted in intolerable conditions for the mass of people… Continue reading Half-Marathon for Workers Fund Iran

10k run at Milton Keynes Festival of Running- For Workers Fund Iran

Comrades, I’ve decided to enter the 10k race at Milton Keynes Festival of Running on March 9 and use it to try and raise some money for WFI from friends, family and contacts. I am going to prioritise approaching local contacts who have shown support for HOPI’s activities in the past (one of whom also… Continue reading 10k run at Milton Keynes Festival of Running- For Workers Fund Iran

Categorised as Solidarity