Az ünnepi rendezvények jelentősége a kulturális örökség megőrzésében

Materiális értékeket, például építészeti építményeket, műemlékeket, valamint nemzedékről nemzedékre őrzött immateriális összetevőket, például nyelveket, szertartásokat, szokásokat és rítusokat foglal magában. A nemzeti örökség védelme rendkívül fontos, mert nemcsak az ókorra emlékeztet, hanem a nemzet öntudatát formálja, támogatja a társadalmi értékeket, hozzájárul a társadalmi kohézió fejlesztéséhez. A kulturális definíció. örökség és jelentősége. A nemzeti örökség minden… Continue reading Az ünnepi rendezvények jelentősége a kulturális örökség megőrzésében

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Unternehmen, Verbände und Institutionen – ihr Einfluss auf die Verbesserung des Landes

In der heutigen Welt spielen Unternehmen, Konzerne und Institutionen eine wichtige Rolle in der Wirtschaft eines jeden Landes. Ihr Einfluss zeigt sich auf allen Ebenen, von der Bereitstellung offener Stellen über die Umsetzung von Innovationen bis hin zur Entwicklung öffentlicher Kommunikation. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Untersuchung verschiedener Elemente des Einflusses der Wirtschaft auf… Continue reading Unternehmen, Verbände und Institutionen – ihr Einfluss auf die Verbesserung des Landes

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HOPI Statement

Assassinations should be condemned. The assassination of Iran’s ‘nuclear mastermind’ during an attack in Absard, near Tehran, is no doubt part of what the Israeli paper Ha’aretz called Trump’s “scorched earth” policy, aided by Netanyahu.If an Arab country or Iran had assassinated an Israeli, European or North American nuclear scientist in broad daylight, there would have… Continue reading HOPI Statement

Israel’s nuclear war

Yassamine Mather As Binyamin Netanyahu’s government tacitly admits its role, so why the Iranian regime is in denial There are strong indications that Israel was responsible for a number of incidents in Iran’s military and nuclear sites. On June 20 Tehran’s inhabitants reported a major explosion that lit up the skies east of the capital… Continue reading Israel’s nuclear war

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Corruption in Iran’s Islamic Republic

Yassamine Mather Why attempts to ‘root out corruption’ are not taken seriously This week, as the world awaited Israel’s possible annexation of Palestinian territories, Iran’s Islamic Republic remained relatively quiet about the subject. In fact in recent weeks even ‘moderate’ Arab states, such as Kuwait and Jordan, have been vocal in expressing strong opposition to… Continue reading Corruption in Iran’s Islamic Republic

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Рабочее зеркало игрового ресурса Вавада

Вы давно играете в казино игры и настроены попробовать что-то новое? Стоит попробовать вавада зеркало и вам предоставится большое количество новых возможностей. В этом году Vavada рабочее зеркало предоставляет доступ к большому количеству новых игр. Вы попробовали свои силы в игровых аппаратах или рулетке и теперь увлечены этим «игровым миром». Но в вашем городе нет… Continue reading Рабочее зеркало игрового ресурса Вавада

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Double standards, misinformation and stupidity of the ‘regime change from above’ advocates

A week before Donald Trump made his infamous comments about drinking disinfectant as a cure for coronavirus, a self-appointed ‘Islamic medical expert’ in Iran had filmed himself on Instagram drinking camel urine. He claims it should be used to treat anyone suffering from the current pandemic. Exiled Iranian broadcasters – especially Saudi- and US-financed TV… Continue reading Double standards, misinformation and stupidity of the ‘regime change from above’ advocates

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Lies, poverty and repression

A look at the blame-gaming and likely consequences of Covid-19 in the Middle East . The criminal incompetence of western leaders in failing to deal with the coronavirus pandemic has led to a situation where we do not hear much about the disastrous effects of the virus in the rest of the world – and… Continue reading Lies, poverty and repression

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Death of a radical intellectual: Fariborz Raisdana

Yassamine Mather Professor Fariborz Raisdana, who died on March 16 in a Tehran hospital, was a leftwing economist, political activist and author, who lived and worked in Iran. According to relatives, his hospital admission was as a result of showing symptoms of coronavirus. He had a long-standing heart condition. He was an advocate of using… Continue reading Death of a radical intellectual: Fariborz Raisdana

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