The Voice of the Iranian Revolution

The following appeal for international solidarity has come from inside Iran and we the undersigned declare our support for this call, and hope you will join us by adding your name to it. HOPI encourages our supporters to sign the statement here:

Statement No. 6 of the Council of Organizing the Protests of Oil Pact Workers

A few important points – Given the fact that our strike is spreading fast and workers from other sections are joining this strike, and the support and solidarity we have received, we are in a good position to win important parts of our demands. With our widespread strikes so far, there is heavy pressure on… Continue reading Statement No. 6 of the Council of Organizing the Protests of Oil Pact Workers

Mass strikes by oil workers in Iran

Contract workers in Iranian oil and gas projects and petrochemical plants have gone on strike in Iran demanding better wages, an end to systematic non-payment of wages, better living conditions and an end to the dominance of unscrupulous contractors. The strike was initiated by workers employed by subcontracting companies, who impose short-term contracts on workers… Continue reading Mass strikes by oil workers in Iran

The strike continues until our demands are met

Second statement of the Council for Organising Protests by Oil Contract Workers – Iran We, the contract oil workers in refineries, petrochemical and power plants, went on strike on June 20, as we had announced. Tens of thousands of our colleagues are currently on strike, and our colleagues who are permanent employees in the oil… Continue reading The strike continues until our demands are met

Free Reza Shahabi now!

Reza Shahabi – an Iranian labour activist member of the executive committee of the VAHED Bus Union – has been on hunger strike for almost 40 days in prison in Iran. According to the latest reports from Tehran, his protest is now having grave physical effects on him and he has become paralysed down the… Continue reading Free Reza Shahabi now!

Shahrokh Zamani returned to Gohardasht prison

Shahrokh Zamani, labour  activist and a member of  the Council of Representatives of Labour Organizations and member of the Painters Union spent over 30 days in  hunger strike. Zamani has been in prison since June 2011   charged with participating in the organisation of an illegal group against the regime,  the Democratic Workers Movement with the… Continue reading Shahrokh Zamani returned to Gohardasht prison

Categorised as Iran News

تغییر سیاست یا تداوم؟ مذاکرت ایالات متحده با ایران نشانه‌ ای از تغییر و تحولات در سیاست خارجی امریکا -مایک مکنر

ترجمه آناهیتا حسینی در پایان به این نتیجه می‌رسیم که خطری واقعی و مداوم مبتنی بر بازگشت به سیاست تغییر رژیم در ایران و جنگ گرم وجود دارد. بیشتر تحریم‌ها، یا به عبارت روشن‌تر محاصره‌ی ایران به رهبری آمریکا ادامه پیدا خواهند کرد، حتی اگر تمام این تحریم‌ها هم لغو شوند باز هم تحمیل سیاست‌های… Continue reading تغییر سیاست یا تداوم؟ مذاکرت ایالات متحده با ایران نشانه‌ ای از تغییر و تحولات در سیاست خارجی امریکا -مایک مکنر

Categorised as Iran News

UK Government blocks Shell paying Iran oil debt in food, medicine

LONDON: Britain has blocked efforts by oil major Royal Dutch Shell to settle a $2.3 billion debt it owes Iran by paying in kind with grains or pharmaceuticals, industry sources said. Shell has been trying for months to find a way to work around international sanctions that prevent it paying in currency for crude it… Continue reading UK Government blocks Shell paying Iran oil debt in food, medicine

Categorised as Iran News

Though watched and muzzled, independent labour unions are stirring

From The Economist DURING a Persian new year’s party (in late March) at Iran’s flagship South Pars project in the Persian Gulf, where the world’s largest known gasfield is being tapped, a labourer called on Iran’s workers to unite. Behnam Khodadadi demanded better pay and conditions, and a proper trade union. Around 1,500 workers stopped… Continue reading Though watched and muzzled, independent labour unions are stirring