Though watched and muzzled, independent labour unions are stirring

From The Economist DURING a Persian new year’s party (in late March) at Iran’s flagship South Pars project in the Persian Gulf, where the world’s largest known gasfield is being tapped, a labourer called on Iran’s workers to unite. Behnam Khodadadi demanded better pay and conditions, and a proper trade union. Around 1,500 workers stopped… Continue reading Though watched and muzzled, independent labour unions are stirring

May Day statement in support of workers in Iran

Over the last year workers in Iran have struggled on several fronts. The subsidy cuts coupled with the crisis in world capitalism are driving living standards down for the majority of Iranians. Basic food stuffs are rising in price at a phenomenal rate, with bread rising a massive 25% and unsubsidised fuel increasing 7 fold.… Continue reading May Day statement in support of workers in Iran

May Day Demands

Iran’s workers will once again use May Day to remind the religious state and ‘reformist’ Islamists alike of their power, writes Yassamine Mather As May Day approaches, Iranian workers are preparing demonstrations in Tehran and other major cities. Over the last few weeks everyone from ‘reformist’ leader Mir-Hossein Moussavi to president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, from employers… Continue reading May Day Demands

Call for Hunger Strike at Isfahan Steel Complex

RAHANA – Last week, a flier calling on contract workers to go on a hunger strike was distributed at the Isfahan Steel Complex. Contract workers have suffered wage and benefit cuts since they became directly contracted by the factory. Currently, their wages and benefits are significantly below those of the company’s regular workers. According to… Continue reading Call for Hunger Strike at Isfahan Steel Complex

A Statement by Iran Khodro Car Workers – December 6 2009

A Statement by Iran Khodro Car Workers – December 6 2009 Fellow workers and friends, During the last few days tens of workers, students and grieving mothers [a reference to mothers of young people killed following protest gatherings on December 4] have been arrested and sent to jail. Many of our colleagues and fellow workers… Continue reading A Statement by Iran Khodro Car Workers – December 6 2009

Crepe Naz workers go on strike

Two hundred and fifty workers at the Crepe Naz textiles factory in Harsin County (in Kermanshah Province, western Iran) stopped work on 12-15 September to protest against not being paid their wages for the past four months. The Crepe Naz factory is affiliated to Mellat Bank and operates under the supervision of the Ministry of… Continue reading Crepe Naz workers go on strike