Trade Unionist Reza Shahabi on Hunger Strike

Board member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company Reza Shahabi began a hunger strike on Tuesday 22 November. Shahabi is a leading trade unionist and a symbol of working class resistance to the theocratic regime and begun his strike in protest to the 18 months of imprisonment and legal limbo.… Continue reading Trade Unionist Reza Shahabi on Hunger Strike

Student Ali Ajami on hunger strike

Ali Ajami, a 23 year old student activist has been on hunger strike for 6 days now along with 5 other political prisoners in Raja’i Shahr prison in Karaj. He was arrested in February 2010 at his parents village near Sabzevar. During his arrest the regimes thugs violently attacked his family. After spending months in… Continue reading Student Ali Ajami on hunger strike

Executions and repression intensify in Iran

With the continued threat of war, the sanctions siege and the dual political and economic crisis within Iran the repression of opposition forces is continuing and intensifying. On Tuesday May 17 two brothers, Mohammad (27) and Abdollah (29) Fathi, were executed by the Islamic Republic. After being torture they were sentenced for being involved with… Continue reading Executions and repression intensify in Iran

Iran Workers Bulletin

Supporters of Hands of the People of Iran have produced a bulletin on working class struggle in Iran for trade unionists and anti-war activists. We will be giving out hundreds of copies at demonstrations, meetings and conferences over the coming months, starting with the PCS Conference beginning on May 18. If you would like copies… Continue reading Iran Workers Bulletin

Iran continues clamp down on student activists

Iranian authorities are continuing to clamp down on student activists by restricting their activities and throwing more activists in jail. As student organizations are faced with severe limitations on their activities, close to 70 student activists are currently in Islamic Republic prisons on various security and political charges. Ashkan Zahabian, a student at Fardowsi University… Continue reading Iran continues clamp down on student activists

May Day statement in support of workers in Iran

Over the last year workers in Iran have struggled on several fronts. The subsidy cuts coupled with the crisis in world capitalism are driving living standards down for the majority of Iranians. Basic food stuffs are rising in price at a phenomenal rate, with bread rising a massive 25% and unsubsidised fuel increasing 7 fold.… Continue reading May Day statement in support of workers in Iran

Iranian hunger strikers sew their lips together in protest at UK deportation

The Guardian – Four Iranians, including a 17-year-old boy, are on hunger strike and have sewn their lips together with fishing wire in protest at plans by the British government to send them back to Tehran. The men, who are among six protesters to have not eaten for 16 days, say they were beaten, tortured… Continue reading Iranian hunger strikers sew their lips together in protest at UK deportation

Imprisoned student activist in coma

According to the Daneshjoo News website, since the onset of Arash Sadeghi’s hunger strike on March 15, 2010 until the present, his physical condition has severely deteriorated. The effects of torture by government agents has been so severe that the student activist fell into a coma today, forcing the Evin prison officials to transfer him… Continue reading Imprisoned student activist in coma

We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana

Please sign the petition here We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana We have learned the astonishing news of “Dr. Raisdana’s arrest” by the security agents of the Islamic republic on the early morning of December 19th, 2010 at his home in Tehran. Dr. Fariborz Raisdana is a well known intellectual, economist, social… Continue reading We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana

2 Days to Save Shahla Jahed

Shahla Jahed is due to be executed in Iran on December 1st, while the eyes of the world are on her fellow Iranian, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. Jahed had a temporary marriage with Nasser Mohammad-Khani, an Iranian footballer, and has been charged with murdering his full-time wife. She has withdrawn a confession made under torture, stating… Continue reading 2 Days to Save Shahla Jahed