Meeting commemorating the massacre of political prisoners in the 1980’s

Solidarity with the people’s struggles in Iran Commemoration of the massacre of Iranian political prisoners during the 1980s & in 1988 Speakers: Shahin Chitsaz: Iran’s Islamic Republic fears the power of struggle and resistance of women political prisoners Mike Macnair: Why Iran’s Islamic Republic is not anti-imperialist Moshe Machover: Iran-Israel – Hot war / cold… Continue reading Meeting commemorating the massacre of political prisoners in the 1980’s

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Critique webinar in Persian

نشریه‌ی کریتیک Critique برگزار می‌کند:وبینار خوزستان در آینه‌ی اقتصاد سیاسی___________سخنرانان • اردشیر مهرداد (پژوهشگر و سردبیر پیشین ایران بولتن)• کاوه احسانی (پژوهشگر و استادیار دانشگاه دی‌پال)___________چهار‌شنبه 20 مردادماه، 11 اوتساعت 21 به وقت تهران، 18:30 به وقت اروپای مرکز___________برای حضور در وبینار در لینک زیر ثبت‌نام کنید:…/reg…/WN_c2Z2yrD-RaqRMWcGwxgGzw

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Hands off the People of Iran Day School , January 25 2014 (فارسی)

10am University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Registration: 10am 10.30am – 12.30 Israel and the need for war: Moshe Machover, Israeli socialist and founder of Matzpen. Imperialism, nuclear negotiations and US -Iran relations: Mike Macnair, CPGB. 1 – 3pm Repression – Iran’s political prisoners: speaker TBC Sanctions, job losses and workers struggles: Yassamine Mather 3… Continue reading Hands off the People of Iran Day School , January 25 2014 (فارسی)

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‘Iran and the Middle East’

Hands Off the People of Iran fringe meeting at Marxism 2013 ‘Iran and the Middle East’ Speakers: Moshe Machover & Yassamine Mather Location: University of London Union, Bloomsbury Suite Starts: 17:15, Sunday 14 July 2013 Ends: 19:30, Sunday 14 July 2013 Contact Email: Phone : 075904416922

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Iranians & Israelis against war

Israelis and Iranians against war 20th August 2012 4.45 pm No to imperialist war! No to sanctions! No to the theocratic regime! Support for socialism and democracy in Iran and therefore solidarity with all democratic, working class, socialist and secular movements in Iran. Opposition to Israeli, British and American nuclear weapons. For a Middle East… Continue reading Iranians & Israelis against war

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Stop press: Majid Tamjidi to speak at Hopi school

The veteran labour activist and political analyst Majid Tamjidi, who now lives in exile, will be joining our weekend school on Saturday April 21 at 2.30pm. He will address the vital issue of ‘How sanctions and the Islamic regime destroy the Iranian working class’. His intervention comes at a time when thousands of jobs are… Continue reading Stop press: Majid Tamjidi to speak at Hopi school

Walking for Workers in Iran – Donate Here! Donate Now!

On March 4th five members of the Hands Off the People of Iran Manchester branch will be walking the Bogle, a fifty five mile walk round Manchester. We are walking to raise money for the charity Workers Fund Iran, which was set up in December 2005 with the aim to reduce and relieve poverty amongst… Continue reading Walking for Workers in Iran – Donate Here! Donate Now!