May 30: Hopi day school with Moshé Machover , Mike Macnair and Yassamine Mather

Saturday May 30, 11am-5pm
The Cock Tavern, 23 Phoenix Rd, London NW1 1HB 

The peoples of the Middle East and North Africa live with the chaotic hell that more than a decade of war, followed the contradictory policies of the United States, have engendered. Is this symptomatic of a superpower in decline, or is there a method in this madness? Is the US deliberately spreading chaos in the hope of benefiting from national, regional and religious divisions? Either way, decades of war, civil strife and societal breakdown threaten to engulf the peoples of the region.

This day school will explore these complex issues and discuss how consistent anti-imperialist activists in this country should respond.


1. The current situation in the Middle East – Iraq, Syria, Yemen, IS, negotiations with Iran

Speaker: Yassamine Mather (Chair, Hands Off the People of Iran)

2. US strategy in the region, inconsistencies and chaos. A sign of the decline of or a deliberate policy?

Speaker: Mike Macnair (Communist Party of Great Britain)

3. Israel’s future in the Middle East in view of changing US-Iran relations

Speaker: Moshe Machover (Israeli socialist, co-founder of Matzpen)

There will be a collection at the meeting for the costs of the meeting – if you can’t attend you can always send a donation to help out away!

Hands Off the People of Iran
PO Box 54631
London N16 8YE