Support us

To add your support to the founding statement of Hands Off the People of Iran campaign, please send us an email or a letter with all your details: name, address, email address, phone number, organisation (if applicable) and details of any office you hold, or two or three keywords the public might associate with you.

By submitting your name and a brief description you agree to these details appearing on the Hopi supporters’ page. You will receive an acknowledgement in due course and will be added to our mailing list. Your email address will remain confidential to HOPI. / HOPI, PO Box 54631, London N16 8YE

Affiliating your organisation with HOPI

If your union branch, antiwar group or other organisation desires affiliation with HOPI, let us know the name of your organisation, address, contact email and phone using the email or postal address above.

Model motion for affiliating to HOPI

This organisation notes that since 1979 the Iranian regime has been in low-level conflict with the USA, the UK, Israel, and other western powers and that recent increased bellicosity toward Iran openly threatening direct military attack, while ostensibly aiming to halt Iran’s nuclear programme is in reality intended to effect regime change.

This organisation recognises that sanctions against Iran are a form of warfare, that they primarily affect the Iranian working class, and that they help the Islamist regime to cohere its rule around reactionary ‘anti-imperialism’, increasing its power to combat working class opposition. Sanctions-produced inflation led recently to food riots that were viciously suppressed.

This organisation expresses its solidarity with the working class of Iran and opposes all military action against Iran. It calls for a nuclear-free West Asia and for the lifting of all sanctions against Iran.

This organisation resolves to affiliate to Hands Off the People of Iran (Hopi) and to collaborate in its campaigning work.