Executions and repression intensify in Iran

With the continued threat of war, the sanctions siege and the dual political and economic crisis within Iran the repression of opposition forces is continuing and intensifying. On Tuesday May 17 two brothers, Mohammad (27) and Abdollah (29) Fathi, were executed by the Islamic Republic. After being torture they were sentenced for being involved with… Continue reading Executions and repression intensify in Iran

Iran continues clamp down on student activists

Iranian authorities are continuing to clamp down on student activists by restricting their activities and throwing more activists in jail. As student organizations are faced with severe limitations on their activities, close to 70 student activists are currently in Islamic Republic prisons on various security and political charges. Ashkan Zahabian, a student at Fardowsi University… Continue reading Iran continues clamp down on student activists

Imprisoned student activist in coma

According to the Daneshjoo News website, since the onset of Arash Sadeghi’s hunger strike on March 15, 2010 until the present, his physical condition has severely deteriorated. The effects of torture by government agents has been so severe that the student activist fell into a coma today, forcing the Evin prison officials to transfer him… Continue reading Imprisoned student activist in coma

UK Students call for solidarity against the execution of Habibollah Latifi

From National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts We the undersigned call for the release of, and dropping of all charges against, Iranian student Habibollah Latifi. This is urgent: Latifi’s execution was scheduled for 26 December 2010; it was postponed after international protests and after 300 supporters protesting outside the prison gates, but could be rescheduled at… Continue reading UK Students call for solidarity against the execution of Habibollah Latifi

Repression against students continues: Borhan Baqaee and Mehran Koosha sentenced in Mashhad

Borhan Baqaee and Mehran Koosha two leftwing students of the Freedom and Equality Seeking Students (Daneshjouyan-e Azadi Khah va Beraber Talab) group have been sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment each though suspended for 5 years at the Revolutionart Court in Mashhad by Judge Kasuvi. This decision comes after the continued repression against the left… Continue reading Repression against students continues: Borhan Baqaee and Mehran Koosha sentenced in Mashhad

Protests across Iran on anniversary of rigged elections

On June 12th there were protests in the capital Tehran and across the country including Tabriz, Sanandaj, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Mashhad, and Isfahan. Hundreds of students at the university of Tehran also protested despite a heavy security presence, determined to keep alive the memory of students who suffered at the hands of the state at this… Continue reading Protests across Iran on anniversary of rigged elections

Free Behzad Bagheri, Bahman Khodadadi and all political prisoners now!

As we approach the anniversary of the mass demonstrations that shook the theocratic regime last year. The repressive security apparatus has stepped up their attacks and violence on opposition activists. The regime executed 13 people in Ghezel Hesar prison at the beginning of June in a warning to opposition activists that a repeat of last… Continue reading Free Behzad Bagheri, Bahman Khodadadi and all political prisoners now!

Sharif University Student Found Murdered in Dormitory

Iran News Agency – Sharif University of Technology student Hamidreza Abdi was found dead in the campus dormitory on May 5, 2010. According to his classmates, Hamidreza who also taught Turkish to other students, was an opposition of the “coup” government. University security office announced that Hamidreza committed suicide by cyanide, while his roommates claim… Continue reading Sharif University Student Found Murdered in Dormitory

Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran on the anniversary of the revolution

Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran In support of “European Students Union” and “Iranian Youth Network” for Europe-wide protests Dear Comrades outside the borders of Iran! At the anniversary of the Revolution of Bahman 1357 (February 1981), we are now witnessing the most unprecedented and inhumane violence against the Iranian people’s protests… Continue reading Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran on the anniversary of the revolution