Syndicate of Bus drivers condemns the continuance of detention of Reza Shahabi, Ebrahim Madadi and Mansoor Osanloo

We condemn the continuance of Reza Shahabi’s detention and approval of one year sentence for Mansoor Osanloo. Reza Shahabi board member of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Drivers Syndicate was arrested on June 12, 2010, and has been in a limbo in Evin prison for more than 3 months. This Syndicate board member has… Continue reading Syndicate of Bus drivers condemns the continuance of detention of Reza Shahabi, Ebrahim Madadi and Mansoor Osanloo

Free Mansour Osanloo Now! Interview with Parvaneh Osanloo

On 23 June security agents of the Iranian regime attacked Zoya Samadi, Mansour Osanloo’s daughter-in-law. Because of this attack Zoya Samadi sustained various injuries and subsequently had a miscarriage. Mansour Osanloo, the leader of the Vahed Bus Company drivers, is currently in prison because of his involvement in the struggles of the Tehran bus drivers… Continue reading Free Mansour Osanloo Now! Interview with Parvaneh Osanloo

Free Behzad Bagheri, Bahman Khodadadi and all political prisoners now!

As we approach the anniversary of the mass demonstrations that shook the theocratic regime last year. The repressive security apparatus has stepped up their attacks and violence on opposition activists. The regime executed 13 people in Ghezel Hesar prison at the beginning of June in a warning to opposition activists that a repeat of last… Continue reading Free Behzad Bagheri, Bahman Khodadadi and all political prisoners now!