Protests across Iran on anniversary of rigged elections

On June 12th there were protests in the capital Tehran and across the country including Tabriz, Sanandaj, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Mashhad, and Isfahan. Hundreds of students at the university of Tehran also protested despite a heavy security presence, determined to keep alive the memory of students who suffered at the hands of the state at this… Continue reading Protests across Iran on anniversary of rigged elections

Iranian regime executes five political prisoners including teacher Farzad Kamangar

Five political prisoners were executed on May 9 2010 in Evin prison in Tehran. Farzad Kamangar, Ali Haydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam- Houli and Mehdi Eslamian were members of the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) . They were charged with membership of a Kurdish “anti-revolutionary”… Continue reading Iranian regime executes five political prisoners including teacher Farzad Kamangar

Threats over uranium enrichment aid regime

Ahmadinejad uses the ‘enemy without’ to justify increased repression, arrests and the torture of the ‘enemy within’, writes Yassamine Mather The dramatic statements by Obama, Brown and Sarkozy about Iran’s undisclosed nuclear enrichment plant, made in a ‘breaking news’-style press conference on the first day of the G20 gathering in Pittsburgh, were clearly intended to… Continue reading Threats over uranium enrichment aid regime

Defiance and Resistance at Tehran University

Thousands of Tehran University students swelled the streets around the university’s main entrance and and Alameh Amini Auditorium where the Science Minister, Kamran Daneshjoo was supposed to be taking part in the opening ceremonies. Students ripped up posters and demanded the expulsion of the minister from campus forcing the security forces to fire tear gas… Continue reading Defiance and Resistance at Tehran University