Yassamine Mather: Spin and lies in US

Yassamine Mather exposes the concerted efforts of the Islamic regime against Iranian women Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the 43 year old mother of two who awaits the death penalty by stoning in Iran on adultery charges brought by the sharia court in Azerbaijan province, is on the cover of many western newspapers and the subject of… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Spin and lies in US

Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

As the US steps up it efforts to provoke regime change from above, Yassamine Mather looks at the reasons for the failure of the working class to win leadership of the opposition movement New sanctions imposed by the United States government last week were the most significant hostile moves against Iran’s Islamic Republic since 1979.… Continue reading Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

Video: Green betrayal in Iran

This is a new video of Yassamine Mather speaking about a year of resistance, working class struggle and betrayal in Iran. It was filmed during a fringe event of ‘Marxism 2010’ organised by London Communist Forum. Yassamine Mather is the Chair of Hands Off the People of Iran. Green Betrayal in Iran: The Iranian working… Continue reading Video: Green betrayal in Iran

Iran: Reform and Revolution

Recent news about Iran has been dominated by U.S. attempts to increase sanctions, and one could be forgiven for thinking the world hegemonic capitalist power is preparing war against a major nuclear power. The reality is far different: all the fuss is about a country where nine months of mass protests have not only weakened… Continue reading Iran: Reform and Revolution

‘Reformists’ fear revolution

    Repression and Resistance  The attempt by the two wings of the Iranian regime to shelve their differences is unlikely to defuse the mass movement, writes Yassamine Mather  More than two weeks after the demonstrations of December 27 2009, the political repercussions of these events, and the reaction to the anger and radicalism of… Continue reading ‘Reformists’ fear revolution

27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

December 27 was the bloodiest and most violent convulsion in Iran since the June elections. Millions of ordinary Iranians came out onto the streets to use the Ashura ceremonies and mourning as a focal point of opposition protests. In every part of Iran security forces backed up by Basij militia and the revolutionary guard (Pasdaran)… Continue reading 27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

16 Azar: The entire regime is the target!

The 56th anniversary of a murder of a student by the Shah’s security forces during Vice-president Nixon’s visit in 1953 may prove to be the last held under the heel of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Possibly millions of students, youth and workers took to the streets in protests against the regime and the barbaric… Continue reading 16 Azar: The entire regime is the target!

Yassamine Mather: Workers gain new courage

Iranian demonstrations have given a real boost to working class opponents of the regime, writes Yassamine Mather Every year November 4, the anniversary of the 1979 take-over of the US embassy in Tehran, is marked in Iran with a state-organised demonstration outside the building that used to house the American ambassador and his staff. On… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Workers gain new courage