Never forget! Never forgive! The massacres of 1988

In the first of a series of articles for Hands Off the People of Iran Aida Foruzan looks at the mass murder carried out by the theocratic regime in the summer of 1988. In the summer of 1988 the rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran committed one of the greatest crimes against humanity, they… Continue reading Never forget! Never forgive! The massacres of 1988

Iran: Reform and Revolution

Recent news about Iran has been dominated by U.S. attempts to increase sanctions, and one could be forgiven for thinking the world hegemonic capitalist power is preparing war against a major nuclear power. The reality is far different: all the fuss is about a country where nine months of mass protests have not only weakened… Continue reading Iran: Reform and Revolution

‘Reformist’ confusion stunts opposition protests

Yassamine Mather reports on the February 11 Revolution Day celebrations Last week’s official celebrations of the February 1979 uprising that brought down the shah’s regime in Iran stood in total contrast to the events of 31 years ago. The Islamic state’s lengthy preparations for the anniversary of the revolution included the arrest of hundreds of… Continue reading ‘Reformist’ confusion stunts opposition protests