Never forget! Never forgive! The massacres of 1988

In the first of a series of articles for Hands Off the People of Iran Aida Foruzan looks at the mass murder carried out by the theocratic regime in the summer of 1988. In the summer of 1988 the rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran committed one of the greatest crimes against humanity, they… Continue reading Never forget! Never forgive! The massacres of 1988

Ramin Aghazadeh: fourth victim of Kahrizak detention center

   In an interview with Panjereh Weekly, Abdolhossein Ruholamini revealed the death of Ramin Aghazadeh. Abdolhossein Ruholamini, Mohsen Ruholamini’s father, claimed that this is the fourth death because of the treatment of prisoners at Kahrizak detention center. Ramin Aghazadeh died following his release from Kahrizak detention center. Mr. Ruholamini believes that his death was a result of… Continue reading Ramin Aghazadeh: fourth victim of Kahrizak detention center

Iran executes another political prisoner

On the morning of Wednesday, January 6th at 4:00am, Fasih Yasamani, a political prisoner, was hanged in Khoy Prison. According to a report from the Committee of Human Rights Activists in Kurdistan, the execution officials unexpectedly and without following the legal procedure executed this Kurdish citizen who was a native of the village Khoy (located… Continue reading Iran executes another political prisoner

Ashura protestors face possible death penalty for “war against Islam”

In a clear display of desperation  the Revolutionary Guard has released a statement saying:  “The devoted Basijis of Greater Tehran will smother all the voices that come out of the throat of the enemies of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic.” (Persian2English blog) this comes amidst further calls from clerics, members of the Iranian… Continue reading Ashura protestors face possible death penalty for “war against Islam”

27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

December 27 was the bloodiest and most violent convulsion in Iran since the June elections. Millions of ordinary Iranians came out onto the streets to use the Ashura ceremonies and mourning as a focal point of opposition protests. In every part of Iran security forces backed up by Basij militia and the revolutionary guard (Pasdaran)… Continue reading 27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

Ehsan Fattahian murdered by the Islamic Republic

The Iranian authorities have reportedly executed a Kurdish militant whom they charged with being an “enemy of God”. Ehsan Fattahian, 27, was hanged yesterday in the western city of Sanandaj, according to Ali Akbar Gharoussi, head of the judiciary in Kurdistan province. Ehsan Fattahian’s executioners ignored pleas from international human rights organisations, and petitions signed… Continue reading Ehsan Fattahian murdered by the Islamic Republic

Protests at the start of Ramadan outside the Islamic Republic’s Evin Prison

Families of detained, tortured and murdered protesters have been gathering daily in front of Evin Prison as well as the Revolutionary Court of the Islamic Republic. The families demands include visitation rights to see their loves ones and the immediate release of all political prisoners. These protests have been attacked by militia and security forces… Continue reading Protests at the start of Ramadan outside the Islamic Republic’s Evin Prison

Moussavi to attend Friday prayers

From Reuters India: TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran’s opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi will attend Friday prayers this week in his first official public appearance since last month’s disputed election, a statement on his website said. Mousavi’s statement, posted late on Wednesday, confirmed a media report earlier this week that he would attend the prayers at Tehran… Continue reading Moussavi to attend Friday prayers

Iran: their solidarity and ours

Yassamine Mather examines a regime in crisis and looks to working class forces for a solution The continuation of demonstrations and protests against the Islamic republic of Iran, albeit on a smaller scale than two weeks ago, have fuelled further divisions at every level of the religious state: the Shia scholars of Ghom oppose the… Continue reading Iran: their solidarity and ours