Basij: murderers and rapists

From Freedom Messenger “According to HRANA, three members of the Basij militia misused their ID cards in the city of Tabriz to abduct, beat, assault, rape, and kill a young woman with a gun. They dumped her body in the outskirts of the city. The news has stirred a lot of emotional reactions from the… Continue reading Basij: murderers and rapists

Ashura protestors face possible death penalty for “war against Islam”

In a clear display of desperation  the Revolutionary Guard has released a statement saying:  “The devoted Basijis of Greater Tehran will smother all the voices that come out of the throat of the enemies of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic.” (Persian2English blog) this comes amidst further calls from clerics, members of the Iranian… Continue reading Ashura protestors face possible death penalty for “war against Islam”

Attacks on Mashhad University Students

On December 30 two students were critically wounded and scores injured by knife wielding members of Ansar-e Hezbollah and Basij militia, up to 500 thugs were brought in to attack students at Mashhad University after they staged anti-regime protests during Ashura. One of the students professors was also attacked and sustained knife wounds, whilst a… Continue reading Attacks on Mashhad University Students

27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

December 27 was the bloodiest and most violent convulsion in Iran since the June elections. Millions of ordinary Iranians came out onto the streets to use the Ashura ceremonies and mourning as a focal point of opposition protests. In every part of Iran security forces backed up by Basij militia and the revolutionary guard (Pasdaran)… Continue reading 27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

16 Azar: The entire regime is the target!

The 56th anniversary of a murder of a student by the Shah’s security forces during Vice-president Nixon’s visit in 1953 may prove to be the last held under the heel of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Possibly millions of students, youth and workers took to the streets in protests against the regime and the barbaric… Continue reading 16 Azar: The entire regime is the target!