Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

As the US steps up it efforts to provoke regime change from above, Yassamine Mather looks at the reasons for the failure of the working class to win leadership of the opposition movement New sanctions imposed by the United States government last week were the most significant hostile moves against Iran’s Islamic Republic since 1979.… Continue reading Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

Yassamine Mather: Workers gain new courage

Iranian demonstrations have given a real boost to working class opponents of the regime, writes Yassamine Mather Every year November 4, the anniversary of the 1979 take-over of the US embassy in Tehran, is marked in Iran with a state-organised demonstration outside the building that used to house the American ambassador and his staff. On… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Workers gain new courage

15 Arrests at demonstration after the closure of paper Etemad Melli (National Trust)

The regime has “temporarily” shut down the newspaper of defeated reformist candidate Mehdi Karoubi. has Etemad-e Melli was closed down under the orders of the prosecutor’s office and no edition appeared on the streets today (August17). It has been alleged that the paper was about to release a statement calling for further defiance. In response… Continue reading 15 Arrests at demonstration after the closure of paper Etemad Melli (National Trust)

Show trials and apologetics

Just as Iranian ex-leftwingers in the west call for reconciliation between the two wings of the Islamic regime, the ruling faction clamps down on its rivals. Yassamine Mather reports The Stalinist show trial of Saturday August 1 – when a number of prominent ‘reformists’ appeared on Iranian state TV to ‘thank their interrogators’ before repenting… Continue reading Show trials and apologetics

HOPI Cork Meeting – 2nd July

HOPI Cork Meeting Thursday 2 July Victoria Hotel Patrick Street 8pm Solidarity with the struggle in Iran. Down with the Islamic Regime! Release all the prisoners now! Speakers: Mick Barry Socialist Party Councillor Fariba Talebi, Iranian political activist Contact Anne on 086 23 43 238 Anne@hopoi.info

A Different Regime

Through his election coup Ahmadinejad has initiated a military-style government, argues Mehdi Kia The Islamic regime in Iran has entered an irreversible turning point. In the first instance, on the morning of June 13 2009 it was fundamentally different from what existed before. At the same time the events of the last two weeks have… Continue reading A Different Regime

New Rally planned in Iran

We reprint this article from Al-Jazeera English as it provides good information on unfolding developments within the opposition… Middle East Iran protesters plan new rally Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, the defeated main opposition candidate in Iran’s presidential election, have called for a protest outside parliament in Tehran in defiance of a government ban. The… Continue reading New Rally planned in Iran

Videos from the Hopi Emergency Solidarity Meeting on June 20

Here are the videos of yesterday’s solidarity meeting, which was attended by over 40 people and raised 230 pounds for our comrades struggling in Iran. The Speakers were Yassamine Mather and Moshe Machover with the Green Party’s Jim Jepps in the Chair. To find out more about upcoming HOPI meetings, or to request a speaker… Continue reading Videos from the Hopi Emergency Solidarity Meeting on June 20

Mass protests in Iran: Death to the Islamic Republic! Victory to the Iranian people!

Yassamine Mather, Hopi chair, looks at the social upheaval englufing Iran and the tasks of internationalists The election campaign of the four presidential candidates was largely ignored by the majority of the population until early June, when a series of televised debates triggered street demonstrations and public meetings. Ironically it was Mahmood Ahmadinejad’s fear of… Continue reading Mass protests in Iran: Death to the Islamic Republic! Victory to the Iranian people!