Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

As the US steps up it efforts to provoke regime change from above, Yassamine Mather looks at the reasons for the failure of the working class to win leadership of the opposition movement New sanctions imposed by the United States government last week were the most significant hostile moves against Iran’s Islamic Republic since 1979.… Continue reading Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

Ansar-e-Hezbollah Attacks Students

Clashes erupt at the University of Science and Technology. 200 members of Ansar-e-Hezbollah were joined by Basiji students to beat protesting students.   There was a clash on February 6th in Tehran between the University of Science and Technology students and supporters of the regime. Students initiated a general strike around 2:00pm. The chant, “Down… Continue reading Ansar-e-Hezbollah Attacks Students

Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Isfahan’s Steel Company is and has always been one of the largest industrial complexes in Iran.  Despite this, and although workers  have been involved in industrial action to improve their working conditions,  Iran’s Steel Company workers  have never benefited from the right to form any type of trade union , workers organisation…  to defend their… Continue reading Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Iran: regime crackdown disguises weaknesses in the face of opposition

Mehdi Kia co-editor Middle East Left ForumKargar) discusses the mass movement in Iran and the weaknesses of the theocratic regime. This article is from the magazine Permanent Revolution and was written in November. The coup in Iran, that took place through the June presidential elections, gave the appearance of the regime being firmly in the… Continue reading Iran: regime crackdown disguises weaknesses in the face of opposition