Yassamine Mather: Sanctions take their toll

Yassamine Mather calls for international solidarity with Iranian workers Over the last two weeks the number of strikes in Iranian factories and workplaces has risen considerably. Workers have taken action in major plants such as South Pars Gasfields, Alborz Lastic Sazi, Ghaem Shahr textiles, Safa Louleh (pipe manufacturers), as have city council workers in Abadan.… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Sanctions take their toll

Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Isfahan’s Steel Company is and has always been one of the largest industrial complexes in Iran.  Despite this, and although workers  have been involved in industrial action to improve their working conditions,  Iran’s Steel Company workers  have never benefited from the right to form any type of trade union , workers organisation…  to defend their… Continue reading Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad

Despite unrelenting state repression, there have been rumblings throughout the 2000s of renewed labor organizing inside the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). One result of this upsurge in labor organizing was the May 2005 re-founding of the Syndicate of Workers of the United Bus Company of Tehran and Suburbs, a union that has a long… Continue reading Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad