Yassamine Mather: Our duty to Iran’s working class

(This article first appeared in the Weekly Worker) It seems such a long time that there have been threats of military action against Iran without them being followed through that some people may have become a bit blasé. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf too many times perhaps. However, the reality… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Our duty to Iran’s working class

Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Ahmadinejad

Mohammad Reza Shalgouni is a founder-member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar) and has been elected as a member of its central committee on a number of occasions. He spent nine years as a political prisoner in Iran under the shah and today is an active supporter of Hands Off the… Continue reading Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Ahmadinejad

Call for Hunger Strike at Isfahan Steel Complex

RAHANA – Last week, a flier calling on contract workers to go on a hunger strike was distributed at the Isfahan Steel Complex. Contract workers have suffered wage and benefit cuts since they became directly contracted by the factory. Currently, their wages and benefits are significantly below those of the company’s regular workers. According to… Continue reading Call for Hunger Strike at Isfahan Steel Complex

Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Isfahan’s Steel Company is and has always been one of the largest industrial complexes in Iran.  Despite this, and although workers  have been involved in industrial action to improve their working conditions,  Iran’s Steel Company workers  have never benefited from the right to form any type of trade union , workers organisation…  to defend their… Continue reading Declaration on the formation of the Provisional Workers Council in Isfahan’s Steel Company

Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad

Despite unrelenting state repression, there have been rumblings throughout the 2000s of renewed labor organizing inside the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). One result of this upsurge in labor organizing was the May 2005 re-founding of the Syndicate of Workers of the United Bus Company of Tehran and Suburbs, a union that has a long… Continue reading Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad