Quotes: Why we don’t support the Iran Tribunal

Israeli socialist and found of Matzpen, Moshé Machover, believes that some of the organisers and participants have “acted with evident good will, but that is not enough. It often happens that people of good intentions lend themselves out of naivety to be exploited by evil forces. This is a danger that we must always guard… Continue reading Quotes: Why we don’t support the Iran Tribunal

The 7 key arguments against the “Iran Tribunal”

1. Payam Akhavan (chair and spokesperson of the tribunal’s steering committee) has links to organisations that have accepted large amounts of money from the US government 2. The tribunal refuses to take a stand against war and sanctions on Iran 3. Mainstream lawyers and politicians like Sir Geoffrey Nice, John Cooper QC and Maurice Copithorne… Continue reading The 7 key arguments against the “Iran Tribunal”

Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad

Despite unrelenting state repression, there have been rumblings throughout the 2000s of renewed labor organizing inside the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). One result of this upsurge in labor organizing was the May 2005 re-founding of the Syndicate of Workers of the United Bus Company of Tehran and Suburbs, a union that has a long… Continue reading Against the status quo: An Interview with Iranian trade unionist Homayoun Pourzad

Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

Iranian workers are on the offensive, reports Chris Strafford 2010 has begun the way 2009 ended in the Islamic Republic of Iran, with millions protesting in cities and towns across the country. But the dangers facing the Iranian people have undoubtedly increased over the last few weeks. Further sanctions are being put in place, and… Continue reading Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

Hopi activists at Azar 16 demo outside Iranian Embassy in London

On Monday December 7, Hands Off the People of Iran activists attended a demonstration outside the Iranian embassy to mark Students Day. It was particularly important for those outside Iran to express our solidarity because this year’s commemorations in that country have highlighted a deepening radicalisation of the student movement, with demonstrations spreading beyond the… Continue reading Hopi activists at Azar 16 demo outside Iranian Embassy in London

15 Arrests at demonstration after the closure of paper Etemad Melli (National Trust)

The regime has “temporarily” shut down the newspaper of defeated reformist candidate Mehdi Karoubi. has Etemad-e Melli was closed down under the orders of the prosecutor’s office and no edition appeared on the streets today (August17). It has been alleged that the paper was about to release a statement calling for further defiance. In response… Continue reading 15 Arrests at demonstration after the closure of paper Etemad Melli (National Trust)

Show trials and apologetics

Just as Iranian ex-leftwingers in the west call for reconciliation between the two wings of the Islamic regime, the ruling faction clamps down on its rivals. Yassamine Mather reports The Stalinist show trial of Saturday August 1 – when a number of prominent ‘reformists’ appeared on Iranian state TV to ‘thank their interrogators’ before repenting… Continue reading Show trials and apologetics

Calls for Civil Disobedience on July 21

Hopi activists have been informed that there is talk of civil disobedience  in order to shut down the electricity network in Iran on Tuesday July 21. This has predominantly come from technicians and workers in the power service, but they are also calling on people to help by switching on all power to force a… Continue reading Calls for Civil Disobedience on July 21