Yassamine Mather on Rahe Kargar Radio (Farsi)

1 مجله بین المللی رادیو راه کارگر رسوائی بزرگ امپراطوری رسانه ای مردوخ، آیا انقلاب دوم مصر آغاز می شود ؟ گفتگوی نصرالله قاضی با یاسمین میظر بحران امپراطوری مردوخ ساختار مافیائی نظام رسانه ای حاکم بر جهان سرمایه داری در مرکز توجه افکار عمومی مردم انگلستان، آمریکا و … بسیاری نقاط جهان قرار داده… Continue reading Yassamine Mather on Rahe Kargar Radio (Farsi)

Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Ahmadinejad

Mohammad Reza Shalgouni is a founder-member of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar) and has been elected as a member of its central committee on a number of occasions. He spent nine years as a political prisoner in Iran under the shah and today is an active supporter of Hands Off the… Continue reading Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Ahmadinejad

M.R. Shalgouni: The current situation in Iran and our tasks (Sweden)

Our tasks As part of Hands Off the People of Iran’s ‘Week of Action’ supporters of HOPI and Rahe Kargar in Sweden have organised these meeting on the tasks at hand for revolutionaries with regards to Iran. The meetings will be in Farsi Meetings with Mohamad Reza Shalgouni The current situation in Iran and our… Continue reading M.R. Shalgouni: The current situation in Iran and our tasks (Sweden)

Iran: regime crackdown disguises weaknesses in the face of opposition

Mehdi Kia co-editor Middle East Left ForumKargar) discusses the mass movement in Iran and the weaknesses of the theocratic regime. This article is from the magazine Permanent Revolution and was written in November. The coup in Iran, that took place through the June presidential elections, gave the appearance of the regime being firmly in the… Continue reading Iran: regime crackdown disguises weaknesses in the face of opposition