Yassamine Mather: Spin and lies in US

Yassamine Mather exposes the concerted efforts of the Islamic regime against Iranian women Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the 43 year old mother of two who awaits the death penalty by stoning in Iran on adultery charges brought by the sharia court in Azerbaijan province, is on the cover of many western newspapers and the subject of… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Spin and lies in US

Workers’ Minimal Demands on the Occasion of the Thirty First Anniversary of the February 1979 Revolution

Four independent workers organizations have issued a communique honoring the thirty first anniversary of the 1979 revolution in Iran.  A translation is provided below: Thirty-one years have passed since the February 1979 revolution.  At that time millions of Iranian people, full of hope for a better life, took to the streets in order to break… Continue reading Workers’ Minimal Demands on the Occasion of the Thirty First Anniversary of the February 1979 Revolution