Reza Shahabi – an Iranian labour activist member of the executive committee of the VAHED Bus Union – has been on hunger strike for almost 40 days in prison in Iran. According to the latest reports from Tehran, his protest is now having grave physical effects on him and he has become paralysed down the left side of his body.
Shahabi has spent the last four years in prison, accused by the Islamic state in Iran of “gathering information and colluding against state security, spreading propaganda against the system and ‘Moharebeh’” (translated as “enmity against god”). Over the last few years, his state of health has deteriorated markedly. Vindictively however, the authorities have not allowed him access to appropriate medical treatment.
Shahabi is an anti-war, anti-imperialist worker activist. In his defence, Hands Off the People of Iran is joining forces with the veteran labour activist, Ali Pichgah (a former leader of Iran’s oil workers’ strike) to call for his immediate, unconditional release.
As a matter of urgency, Reza Shahabi now needs hospital treatment. His life is being endangered by the Iranian authorities’ refusal to allow him proper medical care. We hold the government of Iranian president Hassan Rouhani directly responsible for Reza Shahabi’s life. This brave working class leader has taken a stand against capitalist exploitation and oppression in Iran – as well as any attack on the country by the west or Israel – and it is incumbent on all anti-imperialist/anti-war activists to support Shahabi in these extremely difficult days, when he is putting his life on the line for his beliefs.
What you can do:
- Support the demand of Hopi and Ali Pichgah for the immediate release of Reza Shahabi! Publicise this protest widely!
- Email your name/your organisation to Hopi at and we will add your details to the protests we are coordinating (please indicate whether personal capacity or not)
- Invite a speaker from Hopi to a meeting of your organisation to explain our anti-war/anti-imperialist work and the situation of the working people in Iran
- Write to the European embassy for Iran (notify us if you do):
Ambassade de la Republique Islamique d’Iran
4 avenue d’iena
75116 Paris, France - Or email the newly opened UK embassy (copy us in):
Free Reza Shahabi & the rest of political prisoners in Iran!
نجات جان کارگر آگاه و مبارز و زندانی، رضا شهابی، از چنگال دژخیمان جمهوری اسلامی، وظیفۀ طبقاتی هر کارگر آگاه ووظیفۀ انسانی هر آزادیخواه است.99 در صدی های جهان را به یاری بطلبیم و با تمام نیرو جنایتکاران ضد بشر حاکم بر ایران را گام های بلندتری به عقب نشینی واداریم
نجات جان رضا شهابی در گرو همت و تلاش ماست، او متعلق به خانوادۀ جهانی طبقۀ کارگراست و این خانواده مسئول است که فرزند خود را نجات دهد، از جا برخیزیم و لحظات را از دست ندهیم و حرکت کنیم
سیامک مؤیدزاده (وارتان) ا