Japan! Do not deport Jamal Saberi

From Persian2English Website Jamal Saberi (full name, Jalal Ahmadzade-Nouei) is a political activist opposed to the current Islamic regime in Iran.  After refugee status was rejected for Saberi by the Japanese government, he was arrested, and now he faces deportation to Iran; a move that will no doubt lead to Saberi’s arrest by the Iranian regime.… Continue reading Japan! Do not deport Jamal Saberi

Seven union activists have been arrested in Kurdistan in recent days.

In a series of reports, the Coordinating Committee to Help Form Workers’ Organisation (CCHFWO) has released the names of seven labor activists who have been arrested in recent days. On February 27, Fattah Soleimani, a labor activist who is a member of the CCHFWO, was arrested at his home in the Kurdish city of Oshnaviyeh… Continue reading Seven union activists have been arrested in Kurdistan in recent days.

Mansour Osanloo survives attempt on his life in prison

The head of the Bus Drivers Union, Mansour Osanloo was assaulted on Monday by an inmate in Karaj’s Rajai-Shahr Prison. RAHANA – Mansour Osanloo was assaulted today in Rajai-Shahr prison by an inmate who is said to be a former IRGC member. The inmate who was the attacker had the support and encouragement of prison… Continue reading Mansour Osanloo survives attempt on his life in prison

Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran on the anniversary of the revolution

Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran In support of “European Students Union” and “Iranian Youth Network” for Europe-wide protests Dear Comrades outside the borders of Iran! At the anniversary of the Revolution of Bahman 1357 (February 1981), we are now witnessing the most unprecedented and inhumane violence against the Iranian people’s protests… Continue reading Statement from Socialist Students of the Universities in Iran on the anniversary of the revolution

Ansar-e-Hezbollah Attacks Students

Clashes erupt at the University of Science and Technology. 200 members of Ansar-e-Hezbollah were joined by Basiji students to beat protesting students.   There was a clash on February 6th in Tehran between the University of Science and Technology students and supporters of the regime. Students initiated a general strike around 2:00pm. The chant, “Down… Continue reading Ansar-e-Hezbollah Attacks Students

Nine detainees to be executed in upcoming hours

In the run up to the anniversary of the Iranian revolution the besieged and crisis ridden regime is seeking to scare the popular movement off the streets by publicly executing those who have fought against the theocratic regime. This report comes from the website Persian2English: Nine detainees are likely to be executed in the upcoming… Continue reading Nine detainees to be executed in upcoming hours

‘Reformists’ fear revolution

    Repression and Resistance  The attempt by the two wings of the Iranian regime to shelve their differences is unlikely to defuse the mass movement, writes Yassamine Mather  More than two weeks after the demonstrations of December 27 2009, the political repercussions of these events, and the reaction to the anger and radicalism of… Continue reading ‘Reformists’ fear revolution

Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

Iranian workers are on the offensive, reports Chris Strafford 2010 has begun the way 2009 ended in the Islamic Republic of Iran, with millions protesting in cities and towns across the country. But the dangers facing the Iranian people have undoubtedly increased over the last few weeks. Further sanctions are being put in place, and… Continue reading Theocracy threatens bloodbath as mass movement grows

More Iranian socialists arrested

Rouzbeh Karimi a marxist activist and law graduate who wrote for the leftist magazines such as Rokhdad Magazine has been arrested along with his partner Forough Karimi who has recently been involved in defending political prisonders and is also a Marxist. They were both arrested on Friday January 1. No charges have been made yet. دو عضو دیگر سازمان… Continue reading More Iranian socialists arrested