Japan! Do not deport Jamal Saberi

From Persian2English Website

Jamal Saberi (full name, Jalal Ahmadzade-Nouei) is a political activist opposed to the current Islamic regime in Iran.  After refugee status was rejected for Saberi by the Japanese government, he was arrested, and now he faces deportation to Iran; a move that will no doubt lead to Saberi’s arrest by the Iranian regime.  In detention, Saberi will face torture and possibly death.

Jamal Saberi left Iran for Japan in 1990. In 1992 he joined the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) and began his political activities in Japan against the violation of human rights in Iran. As a member of WPI, an Iranian opposition party, Jamal wrote many articles against the Islamic Republic of Iran.  He also wrote articles that exposed Japan’s diplomatic relations with the Iranian regime. Several of his writings have appeared in the Japanese press as well as Iranian publications such as Hambastegi (organ of the International Federation of Iranian Refugees – IFIR) and Javanan-e Komonist (organ of Communist Youth Organization).

He applied for refugee status in Japan on May 28, 2002. His application was turned down by the Immigration Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Justice on March 28, 2002. He appealed this decision in April of the same year. The appeal was rejected and the Japanese police issued an order for his arrest and deportation.

Jamal was arrested in late October 2003 and transported to the Immigration Bureau’s detention center, where he was kept for one year.  At the time of his arrest, Jamal had already become a popular human rights activist among the Left organizations, human rights organizations, and the trade unions. Consequently, his detention was protested by several organizations that eventually succeeded to stop the deportation order.

Albeit, the Japanese government did not grant Jamal refugee status, and the UNHCR did not make any efforts to assist Jamal Saberi.

Jamal Saberi’s lawyer has stated recently that his client is in danger of deportation to Iran.

Human rights activists around the world are working hard to ensure that Jamal Saberi does not get deported to Iran.  The International Federation of Iranian Refugees (IFIR) has urged all organizations  to take immediate action to save Jamal Saberi from deportation to Iran.  The IFIR demands from the Japanese government to release Jamal from jail, revoke his deportation order, and take appropriate measures to protect his life in Japan.

Send off your appeal online here via the following form and/or phone/fax your appeals at:

Japan ministry of justice
1-1-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8977 the Red Brick Building (The Ministry of Justice)
Tel: 00813 3592-7911 or 0081-3-3580-4111
UNHCR IN Japan – Tokyo
4-14 Akasaka 8-chome, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107,
Tel: 0081- 3-3499-2310
Fax: 0081-3-3499-2273

مبارزه با جمهوري اسلامي بيشك اشكال گوناگون و گه گاه پيچيده اي دارد۔ هم بايد در خيابانهاي تهران آنرا به مصاف طلبيد هم بايد براي بستن سفارتخانه ها(يا بهتر بگوييم ادارت جاسوسي ) آن در خارج كشور نبرد كنيم۔ هم بايد به چاوز در حمايتش از ايران اعتراض كنيم و هم به ژاپن بخاطر معامله كثيفش در تبادل اپوزيسيون با جمهوري اسلامي بخاطر منافع اقتصاديش۔

اين گروه در اعتراض به همين امر است۔ معامله كثيف پشت پرده دولت ژاپن با جمهوري اسلامي ۔ در اعتراض به ژاپن در تهديد به ديپورت جمال صابري يك مبارز خستگي ناپذير و شناخته شده عليه جمهوري اسلامي به ايران۔


جمال صابري يك فعال كارگري است كه حضور او در فيس بوك براي بسياري از شما آشناست۔ او چند روز پيش توسط پليس ژاپن بخاطر عدم پذيرش تقاضاي پناهندگيش دستگير و در معرض خطر اخراخ به ايران است۔

از جمله فعاليتهاي جمال٬ برپا كردن يك تظاهرات در مقابل سفارت جمهوري اسلامي در سپتامبر ٢٠٠٨ بود كه او بتنهايي و با بسيج فعالين كارگري ژاپن سازماندهي كرده بود۔

جمال مبارز خستگي ناپدير عليه جمهوري اسلامي است۔

لطفا نامه اتومات اعتراضي خود به ديپورت شدن جمال صابري از ژاپن را از طريق آدرس زير به وزارت دادگستري ژاپن و يو۔ ان در آن كشور ارسال كنيد


و اين خبر را وسيعا منتشر كيند۔

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