Nine detainees to be executed in upcoming hours

In the run up to the anniversary of the Iranian revolution the besieged and crisis ridden regime is seeking to scare the popular movement off the streets by publicly executing those who have fought against the theocratic regime. This report comes from the website Persian2English:

Nine detainees are likely to be executed in the upcoming hours

Hanover Solidarity Center: According to latest reports from Iran, nine detainees are expected to be executed today and tomorrow in Enghelab Square.

Iranian government had announced plans for executing the nine detainees on February 2, 2010.

More information on this news to follow.

هشدار؛ احتمال اعدام چند از بازداشت شدگان در ساعات آینده

کانون همبستگی هانوفر: بر اساس اطلاعات رسیده از ایران قرار شده است ظرف امروز و فردا 9 نفری را که به اعدام محکوم کردند درمیدان انقلاب به دار بیاویزند لطفا در این زمینه اطلاع رسانی کنید

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