Nephew of Farzad Kamangar Arrested and Detained

HRANA – Azad Kamangar, a technical and engineering student at Yazdanpanah college in Sanandaj (Kurdistan province of Iran), was detained [on September 3rd] while on his way to school. He was transferred to an undisclosed location. Family members of the student activist have gone to the Ministry of Intelligence and the Revolutionary Court for answers,… Continue reading Nephew of Farzad Kamangar Arrested and Detained

13 executed in Iran’s Ghezel Hesar Prison

Iran’s Qezel Hessar Prison officials announced that 26 prisoners have been transferred to the quarantine to be prepared for execution in the past two days. Reporters and Human Rights Activists of Iran (RAHANA) reports that the authorities executed thirteen of these prisoners this morning. Mohammad Seyfzadeh, court attorney and human rights activist commented on the… Continue reading 13 executed in Iran’s Ghezel Hesar Prison

Manchester solidarity demo against executions in Iran

On May 13th around 30 members of Hands Off the People of Iran along, Iranian students and exiles demonstrated in support of the general strike in Iranian Kurdistan and protest the executions of five political prisoners on May 9th in Evin prison. Those executed were school teacher and trade unionist Farzad Kamangar, Ali Haydarian, Farhad… Continue reading Manchester solidarity demo against executions in Iran

Nine detainees to be executed in upcoming hours

In the run up to the anniversary of the Iranian revolution the besieged and crisis ridden regime is seeking to scare the popular movement off the streets by publicly executing those who have fought against the theocratic regime. This report comes from the website Persian2English: Nine detainees are likely to be executed in the upcoming… Continue reading Nine detainees to be executed in upcoming hours