Basij: murderers and rapists

From Freedom Messenger “According to HRANA, three members of the Basij militia misused their ID cards in the city of Tabriz to abduct, beat, assault, rape, and kill a young woman with a gun. They dumped her body in the outskirts of the city. The news has stirred a lot of emotional reactions from the… Continue reading Basij: murderers and rapists

Free Behzad Bagheri, Bahman Khodadadi and all political prisoners now!

As we approach the anniversary of the mass demonstrations that shook the theocratic regime last year. The repressive security apparatus has stepped up their attacks and violence on opposition activists. The regime executed 13 people in Ghezel Hesar prison at the beginning of June in a warning to opposition activists that a repeat of last… Continue reading Free Behzad Bagheri, Bahman Khodadadi and all political prisoners now!

Iran: Reform and Revolution

Recent news about Iran has been dominated by U.S. attempts to increase sanctions, and one could be forgiven for thinking the world hegemonic capitalist power is preparing war against a major nuclear power. The reality is far different: all the fuss is about a country where nine months of mass protests have not only weakened… Continue reading Iran: Reform and Revolution

Dreaming is a crime: Jafar Panahi on his detention

Jafar Panahi says at the moment he has little hope of making another film, all he can do is produce a film in his head but he adds “I will have to make a film, that is my life.” He is eager to thank all those who called for his release, film directors, actors, theatre… Continue reading Dreaming is a crime: Jafar Panahi on his detention

Manchester solidarity demo against executions in Iran

On May 13th around 30 members of Hands Off the People of Iran along, Iranian students and exiles demonstrated in support of the general strike in Iranian Kurdistan and protest the executions of five political prisoners on May 9th in Evin prison. Those executed were school teacher and trade unionist Farzad Kamangar, Ali Haydarian, Farhad… Continue reading Manchester solidarity demo against executions in Iran

Iranian regime executes five political prisoners including teacher Farzad Kamangar

Five political prisoners were executed on May 9 2010 in Evin prison in Tehran. Farzad Kamangar, Ali Haydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam- Houli and Mehdi Eslamian were members of the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) . They were charged with membership of a Kurdish “anti-revolutionary”… Continue reading Iranian regime executes five political prisoners including teacher Farzad Kamangar

Japan! Do not deport Jamal Saberi

From Persian2English Website Jamal Saberi (full name, Jalal Ahmadzade-Nouei) is a political activist opposed to the current Islamic regime in Iran.  After refugee status was rejected for Saberi by the Japanese government, he was arrested, and now he faces deportation to Iran; a move that will no doubt lead to Saberi’s arrest by the Iranian regime.… Continue reading Japan! Do not deport Jamal Saberi

Seven union activists have been arrested in Kurdistan in recent days.

In a series of reports, the Coordinating Committee to Help Form Workers’ Organisation (CCHFWO) has released the names of seven labor activists who have been arrested in recent days. On February 27, Fattah Soleimani, a labor activist who is a member of the CCHFWO, was arrested at his home in the Kurdish city of Oshnaviyeh… Continue reading Seven union activists have been arrested in Kurdistan in recent days.

Two wrongs don’t make a right: hypocrisy and dangers of Ahmadinejad’s nuclear programme

Yassamine Mather Yassamine Mather looks at the politics, hypocrisy and dangers of Ahmadinejad’s nuclear programme: There seems to be no end to the confrontation between western governments and Iran’s Islamic regime over the nuclear issue. In the latest phase of the continuing saga, on February 23, a day after the announcement by the head of… Continue reading Two wrongs don’t make a right: hypocrisy and dangers of Ahmadinejad’s nuclear programme