Repression against students continues: Borhan Baqaee and Mehran Koosha sentenced in Mashhad

Borhan Baqaee and Mehran Koosha two leftwing students of the Freedom and Equality Seeking Students (Daneshjouyan-e Azadi Khah va Beraber Talab) group have been sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment each though suspended for 5 years at the Revolutionart Court in Mashhad by Judge Kasuvi. This decision comes after the continued repression against the left… Continue reading Repression against students continues: Borhan Baqaee and Mehran Koosha sentenced in Mashhad

Imprisoned Journalist Abdolreza Tajik Tells Sister, “I Was Violated”

BBC Persian talks to Abdolreza Tajik’s sister on her recent visit with her brother in prison. According to Tajik, he was “violated in prison.” Tajik is currently detained in Evin prison. Listen to the audio of interview in Persian Abdolreza Tajik’s sister: After following up with the Prosecutor’s Office, I was able to get an… Continue reading Imprisoned Journalist Abdolreza Tajik Tells Sister, “I Was Violated”

Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

As the US steps up it efforts to provoke regime change from above, Yassamine Mather looks at the reasons for the failure of the working class to win leadership of the opposition movement New sanctions imposed by the United States government last week were the most significant hostile moves against Iran’s Islamic Republic since 1979.… Continue reading Divided theocratic regime paralysed by sanctions

Strike erupts at Sanandaj’s Javeh Dam again

Workers from Sanandaj’s Javeh dam have once again gone on strike as of  July 10, 2010. Workers of the dam have gone on strike several times in recent months over non payment of their wages dating back more than five months. More than 300 workers building the dam have not received their wages for this… Continue reading Strike erupts at Sanandaj’s Javeh Dam again

Video: Green betrayal in Iran

This is a new video of Yassamine Mather speaking about a year of resistance, working class struggle and betrayal in Iran. It was filmed during a fringe event of ‘Marxism 2010’ organised by London Communist Forum. Yassamine Mather is the Chair of Hands Off the People of Iran. Green Betrayal in Iran: The Iranian working… Continue reading Video: Green betrayal in Iran

Basij: murderers and rapists

From Freedom Messenger “According to HRANA, three members of the Basij militia misused their ID cards in the city of Tabriz to abduct, beat, assault, rape, and kill a young woman with a gun. They dumped her body in the outskirts of the city. The news has stirred a lot of emotional reactions from the… Continue reading Basij: murderers and rapists

Free Mansour Osanloo Now! Interview with Parvaneh Osanloo

On 23 June security agents of the Iranian regime attacked Zoya Samadi, Mansour Osanloo’s daughter-in-law. Because of this attack Zoya Samadi sustained various injuries and subsequently had a miscarriage. Mansour Osanloo, the leader of the Vahed Bus Company drivers, is currently in prison because of his involvement in the struggles of the Tehran bus drivers… Continue reading Free Mansour Osanloo Now! Interview with Parvaneh Osanloo

LRC vs HOPI: Solidarity Cricket Match – August 29

August 29 will once again see Hands Off the People of Iran play the Labour Representation Committee in their annual solidarity cricket match to raise £1,500 for the charity Workers Fund Iran, which raises money for Iranian workers. ( In the face of an enormous political and economic crisis, a new round of UN sanctions… Continue reading LRC vs HOPI: Solidarity Cricket Match – August 29