Clandestine gay rights rally in Tehran

‘It’s not easy to be gay in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A recent United Nations report decried “harassment, persecution, cruel punishment and even the death penalty.” Because Islamic law requires four adult male witnesses to prosecute sodomy, Iranian police typically seek confessions, often through torture. Women, easier to convict, are given 100 lashes for… Continue reading Clandestine gay rights rally in Tehran

Stop the execution of Ebrahim Hamidi

An 18-year-old Iranian man is facing execution over a false sodomy charge, campaigners say. Ebrahim Hamidi was sentenced to death two years ago at the age of 16 for an unspecified assault on another man. Although the allegation was withdrawn and the Iranian Supreme Court has rejected the guilty verdict and execution order, a lower… Continue reading Stop the execution of Ebrahim Hamidi

Save the Life of LGBT Activist Kiana Firouz

‘Iranian lesbian activist Kiana Firouz is currently seeking asylum in the United Kingdom after a controversy over the upcoming release of Cul de Sac. The film, which stars Firouz and includes explicit lesbian sex scenes, is based heavily on Firouz’s life and struggles as a lesbian in Iran. Directors Ramin Goudarzi-Nejad and Mahshad Torkan posted… Continue reading Save the Life of LGBT Activist Kiana Firouz