27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

December 27 was the bloodiest and most violent convulsion in Iran since the June elections. Millions of ordinary Iranians came out onto the streets to use the Ashura ceremonies and mourning as a focal point of opposition protests. In every part of Iran security forces backed up by Basij militia and the revolutionary guard (Pasdaran)… Continue reading 27 December: Iran’s bloody Sunday

Ayatollah Hussein-Ali Montazeri (1922-2009)

The contradictory figure of Ayatollah Montazeri died in the early hours of Sunday, December 20. In one of his last statements, he warned that the current crisis in Iran was threatening the entire basis of the regime. Yet how did this man – originally a stalwart of the state, one of the main architects of… Continue reading Ayatollah Hussein-Ali Montazeri (1922-2009)

Videos from Hopi’s AGM

Impressions from Hopi’s Annual General meeting, which discussed the issues of imperialism’s drive to war, our opposition to sanctions, the workers’ movement in Iran and the tasks for the solidarity movement Imperialism’s drive towards war Speakers: Mike Macnair and Moshe Machover The workers’ movement in Iran Yassamine Mather

HOPI AGM report

Chris Strafford reports on the annual general meeting of Hands Off the People of Iran On Saturday November 28 around 60 people gathered for Hands Off the People of Iran’s third conference. Motions condemning sanctions and threats of war against Iran and calling for a nuclear-free Middle East were overwhelmingly carried. The conference was opened… Continue reading HOPI AGM report

Free All Political Prisoners in Iran – Manchester Vigil on December 17th

FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS IN IRAN Vigil for all of those who have been arrested A vigil and rally called by Iranian students and supporters at the University of Manchester to show solidarity with hundreds of students and other political prisoners in Iran. Bring placards, banners and more importantly your friends!   Thursday December 17… Continue reading Free All Political Prisoners in Iran – Manchester Vigil on December 17th

Student activist Mohammad Pourabdollah sentenced to six years imprisonment

  Mohammad Pourabdollah a member of Freedom and Equality Seeking Students in Iran was arrested during a brutal attack on his home in Tehran on February 12th 2009. Mohammad was a chemical engineering student at the University of Tehran. He has been kept in Evin prison in terrible conditions, suffering torture and abuse on a… Continue reading Student activist Mohammad Pourabdollah sentenced to six years imprisonment

Hopi activists at Azar 16 demo outside Iranian Embassy in London

On Monday December 7, Hands Off the People of Iran activists attended a demonstration outside the Iranian embassy to mark Students Day. It was particularly important for those outside Iran to express our solidarity because this year’s commemorations in that country have highlighted a deepening radicalisation of the student movement, with demonstrations spreading beyond the… Continue reading Hopi activists at Azar 16 demo outside Iranian Embassy in London

16 Azar: The entire regime is the target!

The 56th anniversary of a murder of a student by the Shah’s security forces during Vice-president Nixon’s visit in 1953 may prove to be the last held under the heel of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Possibly millions of students, youth and workers took to the streets in protests against the regime and the barbaric… Continue reading 16 Azar: The entire regime is the target!

A Statement by Iran Khodro Car Workers – December 6 2009

A Statement by Iran Khodro Car Workers – December 6 2009 Fellow workers and friends, During the last few days tens of workers, students and grieving mothers [a reference to mothers of young people killed following protest gatherings on December 4] have been arrested and sent to jail. Many of our colleagues and fellow workers… Continue reading A Statement by Iran Khodro Car Workers – December 6 2009