Student activist Mohammad Pourabdollah sentenced to six years imprisonment


Only crime: fighting for freedom
Only crime: fighting for freedom

Mohammad Pourabdollah a member of Freedom and Equality Seeking Students in Iran was arrested during a brutal attack on his home in Tehran on February 12th 2009. Mohammad was a chemical engineering student at the University of Tehran. He has been kept in Evin prison in terrible conditions, suffering torture and abuse on a regular basis.

Today he was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment by the Islamic Republic’s revolutionary court. He has been in prison over 300 days already moving from the notorious Evin prison to the equally harsh Ghezel Hesar prison. His only crime was to take part in the student protests against the Iranian regime and the encroachment of the revolutionary guard onto campuses in Iran.

We call for his immediate and unconditional release along with all other political prisoners in Iran.


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