From the hospital workers’ strike

“من پزشک هستم و در بیمارستان رسول اکرم در خیابان ستارخان مشغول به کارم. دیروز تعداد 38 نفر به دلیل اصابت گلوله در اورژانس بیمارستان ما پذیرفته شدند که 10 نفر آنها کشته و بقیه زخمی بودند. الگوی زخمها حاکی از این بود که مردم به رگبار بسته شده اند زیرا بسیاری از مجروحین دو… Continue reading From the hospital workers’ strike

Cricket for Iranian workers: HOPI vs Labour Representation Committee

1 August 2009 at 12pm, Low Hall Sports Ground, Walthamstow E17, then social at Dalston Social Centre. Hands Off the People of Iran play the Labour Representation Committee in 30 overs of cricket with John McDonnell MP and Attila the Stockbroker leading the two teams – all in order to raise as much money as possible… Continue reading Cricket for Iranian workers: HOPI vs Labour Representation Committee

“Natarsid! Natarsid! Mah hameh bah ham hastim!” – Another day of defiance in Iran

Thousands of people defied bullets, batons and death and came out onto the streets shouting “Natarsid! Natarsid! Mah hameh bah ham hastim!”  (Don’t be scared! Don’t be scared! We are all together!). June 20 saw the mass murder of demonstrators by security forces, it is unclear how many people are dead as estimates range from… Continue reading “Natarsid! Natarsid! Mah hameh bah ham hastim!” – Another day of defiance in Iran

From Nawal El Saadawi to Iranian men and women demonstrating in the the streets

این انقلاب مردم ایران است علیه دیکتاتورهای داخلی و خارجی و علیه استثمار، انقلابی علیه قدرت های محلی و جهانی، قدرت های سیاسی، اقتصادی و مذهبی. زنان و مردان ایرانی، پیر و جوان، علیه سرکوب، نابرابری، بی عدالتی و سلطه می رزمند. این صدای مردم ایران است. صدایی که به روشنی در سراسر دنیا طنین… Continue reading From Nawal El Saadawi to Iranian men and women demonstrating in the the streets

Videos from the Hopi Emergency Solidarity Meeting on June 20

Here are the videos of yesterday’s solidarity meeting, which was attended by over 40 people and raised 230 pounds for our comrades struggling in Iran. The Speakers were Yassamine Mather and Moshe Machover with the Green Party’s Jim Jepps in the Chair. To find out more about upcoming HOPI meetings, or to request a speaker… Continue reading Videos from the Hopi Emergency Solidarity Meeting on June 20

Solidarity Message from Carré Rouge to June 20 London HOPI Meeting

The journal Carré Rouge wishes to express its support to all those present in your meeting and through them to all those fighting in Iran at this moment. We supported the founding of Hands Off the People of Iran and the stand it has taken against imperialism, against the threat of war and for the… Continue reading Solidarity Message from Carré Rouge to June 20 London HOPI Meeting

“We did not give blood to give up now” – Eye witness report of June 20 Repression

Hands Off the People of Iran received this report from an activist in Tehran this evening. We have added some videos which have been spread across the internet. [youtube=] Sayyid Ali Khamenei in his speech yesterday said: there has been no cheating in the elections and that people are not going to get their demands… Continue reading “We did not give blood to give up now” – Eye witness report of June 20 Repression

A Day of Blood and Fire in Iran

Across Iran security forces have attacked barbarically any gatherings and have fought running battles with youth and workers. The death count at this time is up to 40 people with hundreds of injured still streaming in to hospitals and medical centres. Even the injured are being rounded up and attacked in the Hospitals. Thousands of… Continue reading A Day of Blood and Fire in Iran