Cricket for Iranian workers: HOPI vs Labour Representation Committee


1 August 2009 at 12pm, Low Hall Sports Ground, Walthamstow E17, then social at Dalston Social Centre.

Hands Off the People of Iran play the Labour Representation Committee in 30 overs of cricket with John McDonnell MP and Attila the Stockbroker leading the two teams – all in order to raise as much money as possible for the Iranian workers’ movement.

The plans are slowly taking shape for what should be an excellent day with cricket, a barbecue, a bar, and some promising entertainment in the evening with Atilla the Stockbrokerheading up numerous artists and bands.

We have set ourselves the target of 1,000 pounds but are quietly confident that we can ago well above this if we put our minds to it and draw in as many of our vast supporters as possible. Such funds are absolutely central to our comrades in Iran organizing in the most difficult of situations and now facing a hugely repressive crackdown on their protests and rallies.

This is why it is absolutely vital that the workers’ movement in this country organizes material and ideological solidarity. The working class needs its own foreign policy linking the workers’, women’s and students’ struggles in Iran with those in this country and elsewhere.

So, we need need your help to get this event off the ground and to hopefully make it so successful that there will be many similar events for years to come!

Can you?

*Play? The standard will be more ‘village’ than ‘Test Match’ so even if you have to brush off those pads after years of neglect – get in touch! Both female and male playerswelcome! The LRC in particular is looking for players…

*Send a message of solidarity which we could use to build the event?

*Umpire/Score? Fancy getting involved in keeping tabs on a game that will probably go down to the wire? Have the expertise to decide whether comrades’ bowling is too far to the left or (or the right?) Know somebody who does? Get in touch!

*Make teas/master a barbecue/pour a decent pint? All this will be central to the day’s fundraising

*Provide a donation to help cover some of the costs we will incur during the day?

*Help to publicise the event amongst friends and on the internet or send a message of support for us to put up on our blog?

Many thanks,

Rory MacQueen, LRC National Committee

Ben Lewis, HOPI Steering Committee


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