A Day of Blood and Fire in Iran

Across Iran security forces have attacked barbarically any gatherings and have fought running battles with youth and workers. The death count at this time is up to 40 people with hundreds of injured still streaming in to hospitals and medical centres. Even the injured are being rounded up and attacked in the Hospitals. Thousands of… Continue reading A Day of Blood and Fire in Iran

Students beaten, tortured, raped and killed in Iran – Statement of surviving students arrested in Tehran University Dormitory

Hands Off the People of Iran received this a couple of hours ago, it details some disturbing acts of violence committed by the security forces. The following statement is written by 4 of the Tehran university students who were arrested in Tehran university dormitory on Sunday night, when Basij, Sepah, and the anti rebellion guard… Continue reading Students beaten, tortured, raped and killed in Iran – Statement of surviving students arrested in Tehran University Dormitory

Defend the Iranian Students’ movement

The eruption of mass protest across Iran has saw Iran’s youth at the forefront of the struggle and have suffered greatly at the hands of the security forces. Below is a sample of what students and young people are facing in Iran now, we also list the imprisoned, missing and now released students. No doubt… Continue reading Defend the Iranian Students’ movement

Khamenei: ‘End protests or risk bloodshed’

We reprint this article by Brian Murphy – showing how Khamenei is refusing to budge and threatening more violence. Iran’s supreme leader sought Friday to end the deepening crisis over disputed elections with one decisive speech declaring the vote will almost certainly stand and sternly warning opposition leaders to end street protests or be held… Continue reading Khamenei: ‘End protests or risk bloodshed’

Categorised as Iran News

Hopi Emergency Meeting: What lies behind the crisis in Iran?

Hopi Emergency Meeting What lies behind the crisis in Iran?   With Yassamine Mather and Moshe Machover. Followed by a fundraising social. 20 June 2009, 2pm Caxton House,129 St. John’s Way London, N19 3RQ Iranian society is convulsed by a political crisis on a scale not seen for 30 years. Masses of Iranian people have… Continue reading Hopi Emergency Meeting: What lies behind the crisis in Iran?