The journal Carré Rouge wishes to express its support to all those present in your meeting and through them to all those fighting in Iran at this moment.
We supported the founding of Hands Off the People of Iran and the stand it has taken against imperialism, against the threat of war and for the overthrow of Iran’s Islamic regime. The political struggle against military and economic intervention by major imperialist powers against Iran must go in hand with the fight against a system of economic and political domination which makes the regime, whatever its utterances one of the pillar of world class domination.
As Obama made it very clear, the real threat in Iran to the world capitalist order is the mass democratic movement of which the students are today the spearhead. The victory of such a movement in Iran would shake per se the foundations of this part capitalist order throughout the Near and Middle East and on into the Indian peninsula. It would also open up, as it had started to do in 1979, on political demands bearing on the conditions of everyday life for the masses and so on capitalist property relationships. This is why Obama has sent the message that he prefers to go on dealing with the capitalist-theocratic regime, whoever are its leaders. His position is that of all “world leaders”. Their priority is “law and order” whatever the price to be paid by students and workers.
We are particularly concerned by the brutality of regime’s attack on university campuses, where the opposition to it is strongest. We will join in the campaigns you be deciding on at your meeting in support of your own comrades and all fighting capitalist-theocracy in Iran.