Defend the Iranian Students’ movement

Manchester HOPI rally for imprisoned Iranian students - March 2009
Manchester HOPI rally for imprisoned Iranian students – March 2009

The eruption of mass protest across Iran has saw Iran’s youth at the forefront of the struggle and have suffered greatly at the hands of the security forces. Below is a sample of what students and young people are facing in Iran now, we also list the imprisoned, missing and now released students. No doubt these lists will expand as the hours go on, and is not comprehensive. We ask all our supporters to do what they can to get the news out on the internet, and also to donate money to HOPI so that we can aid those in struggle inside Iran. You can send us some money by going here.

“Mostafa ghanian’s body, an engineering student, was burried on thursday with a high security at the Imam reza shrine. the security guards, at the time of mostafa’s death, had kept his family uninformed. they delievered mostafas body and asked his family to sign a commitment before they could have the body. in this funeral which took place with the participation of many people and his family, none of the students were present. it is important to say that this student ( mostafa ) had gone up to the roof of his house after hearing the sound of gun fire and shootings in order to see what has happened, and therefore is shot dead by the BASIJ powers. Some of the students even suffered from hearing losses and required to visit audiology clinic to get help.

Down with repression

>>>After the recent attack of the secret police powers to the Tehran university, many student have been attack and injured and some are even missing. the last news about the students are as follow: please note that IMAN NAMAZI who was a civil engineering student at the Tehran university has now passed away.”

Missing students:
List includes name surname and subject which they study

Mohsen Azmoodeh – politics
Payam Poorang – civil
Morteza Janbazi – chemistry

Students who have been attacked:

Yaghob Rahbarihagh –  electronics
Hossein Abadi – mechanics
Mohammad Fateminejad – hygiene
Mojtaba Kashani – management
Hafez Mohammad Hassani – literature

Students who have been released:

Ahmad Ahmadian – mythology
Eskandari – physics
Amin Afzali – literature
Vahid Anari –
Mohammad Boloordy – architecture
Hossein Hamedi – mechanics
Mohsen Habibi Mazaheri – mechanics
Navid Haghdadi – electronics
Mohammadreza Hokmi – electronics
Kazem Rahimi – social science
Morteza Rezakhani – civil
Meysam Zarei – physics
Amin Samie – law
Bahram Shabani – photography
Alireza Sheikhy –

Siavash Fayaz – civil
Seyed Hossein Mirzadeh
Hossein Nobakht – civil
Javad Yazdanfard – chemical engineering
Habib khadangi – literature

Students still in custody:

Sohrab Ahadian – English
Reza Arkvazi – medicine
Karim Emami – philosophy
Mohammad Hossein Emami – philosophy
Elahe Imanian – social science
Rohollah Baghery
Farhad Binazadeh – architecture
Iman Poortahmaseb – English
Ezzat Torbaty – agriculture
Somayyeh Tohidloo
Yasser Pafary – plan sketching
Milad Cheginy – archeology
Mohammadreza Hadabadi – social science
Seyed Havad Hosseini – geography
Farshid Heydary – geology
Behnam Khoda Bandeloo – computer
Mohammad Khansari – civil
Mohammad Davoodian – plan sketching
Mahmoud Delbari – civil
Ali Raie
Omid Rezasamety – civil
Ali Refahi – social science
Seifollah Ramezani – English
Ebrahim Zahedian – Mythology
Naser Zamani
Majid Sepahnood – cartography
Hanif Salami – counselling
Mohammadbagher Shabanpoor – English
Hamed Sheikhalishahi – biochemistry
Iman Sheidayi – English
Farhad Shirahmad – veterinary
Saman Sahebjalali –  history
Farhan Sadeghpoor – language
Farshad Tahery – computer
Ghamdideh – political science
Hazeh Faraty Rad – mythology
Esmail Ghorbany – psychology
Mohammad Karimi – geography
Erfan Mohammadi – medical
Adrian Jalali – computerscience

Source of information can be found here.

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