40th anniversary of the Siahkal uprising

The BBC Persian service has featured an hour long documentary about the Siakhal uprising instigated by Iran’s Fedayeen in 1971. Mohammd Reza Shalgouni defends the left wing of the Fedayeen, and Khaligh of the Fedayeen majority represents the right. The video is 52 minutes long and is in Farsi. http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/tv/2010/02/000000_ptv_pargar.shtml

Protests at Iran Khodro after four workers are killed and 13 injured

Statement of a group of Iran Khodro workers January 26 2011 The statement below has been translated and distributed by Hands Off the People of Iran. It is from a group of workers in Iran Khodro, Iran’s main car manufacturer. They report a major accident which took place during night shift on January 25 in… Continue reading Protests at Iran Khodro after four workers are killed and 13 injured

We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana

Please sign the petition here We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana We have learned the astonishing news of “Dr. Raisdana’s arrest” by the security agents of the Islamic republic on the early morning of December 19th, 2010 at his home in Tehran. Dr. Fariborz Raisdana is a well known intellectual, economist, social… Continue reading We demand the immediate release of Dr. Fariborz Raisdana

UK Students call for solidarity against the execution of Habibollah Latifi

From National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts We the undersigned call for the release of, and dropping of all charges against, Iranian student Habibollah Latifi. This is urgent: Latifi’s execution was scheduled for 26 December 2010; it was postponed after international protests and after 300 supporters protesting outside the prison gates, but could be rescheduled at… Continue reading UK Students call for solidarity against the execution of Habibollah Latifi

Iranian Trade Unionist on Dry Hunger Strike, Grave Concerns for his Health

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today that the Iranian Judiciary must immediately release labor activist Reza Shahabi, who is currently on a dry hunger strike. Reza Shahabi is a prisoner of conscience and member of the Union of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (Sherkat-e Vahed) who has been… Continue reading Iranian Trade Unionist on Dry Hunger Strike, Grave Concerns for his Health

2 Days to Save Shahla Jahed

Shahla Jahed is due to be executed in Iran on December 1st, while the eyes of the world are on her fellow Iranian, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. Jahed had a temporary marriage with Nasser Mohammad-Khani, an Iranian footballer, and has been charged with murdering his full-time wife. She has withdrawn a confession made under torture, stating… Continue reading 2 Days to Save Shahla Jahed

Yassamine Mather: Sanctions take their toll

Yassamine Mather calls for international solidarity with Iranian workers Over the last two weeks the number of strikes in Iranian factories and workplaces has risen considerably. Workers have taken action in major plants such as South Pars Gasfields, Alborz Lastic Sazi, Ghaem Shahr textiles, Safa Louleh (pipe manufacturers), as have city council workers in Abadan.… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Sanctions take their toll

Students fight closures with sit-in and protests

On Sunday 31st October the government announced the dissolution of Iran’s University of Medical Sciences. After the massive shock, student have organised protests with growing militancy and numbers. They have taken part in a sit in protest in opposition to the closures. Whilst some students will be able to attend Tehran’s Medical Science faculty, many… Continue reading Students fight closures with sit-in and protests

Categorised as Iran News

Working class activists and the situation in Iran

Below is a speech given by an Iranian worker activist Behrooz Khabaz on 22/10/2010 in Sweden at meeting in solidarity with Iranian workers and organising support for imprisoned activist Mahmood Salehi. Greetings friends and comrades In this speech first of all I am going to discuss to the general situation of workers in Iran and… Continue reading Working class activists and the situation in Iran