Iran: their solidarity and ours

Yassamine Mather examines a regime in crisis and looks to working class forces for a solution The continuation of demonstrations and protests against the Islamic republic of Iran, albeit on a smaller scale than two weeks ago, have fuelled further divisions at every level of the religious state: the Shia scholars of Ghom oppose the… Continue reading Iran: their solidarity and ours

Leaflet for the June 26 ‘Justice for Iranian Workers’ Demonstration

This is the leaflet that Hopi activists gave out at today’s demonstration called by the the International Trade Union Confederation, International Transport Workers Federation, Education International, and the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations. june26protests

Iran: first round to Ahmadinejad?

Permanent Revolution and HOPI Steering Committee member Stuart King on the largest period of social unrest in Iran since 1979. Following the announcement of “an overwhelming victory” for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the 12 June Presidential election and the defeat of opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, up to a million people poured onto the streets in… Continue reading Iran: first round to Ahmadinejad?

A Different Regime

Through his election coup Ahmadinejad has initiated a military-style government, argues Mehdi Kia The Islamic regime in Iran has entered an irreversible turning point. In the first instance, on the morning of June 13 2009 it was fundamentally different from what existed before. At the same time the events of the last two weeks have… Continue reading A Different Regime

Beginning of the End by Yassamine Mather

Ayatollah Khamenei’s June 19 speech reminded many Iranians of some of the utterances of the shah in the last months of his rule: former president and current chairman of the ‘assembly of experts’ Ali Akbar Rafsanjani cannot be corrupt – he has been the supreme leader’s friend for over 50 years! Everyone in Iran had… Continue reading Beginning of the End by Yassamine Mather

Another day of bloodshed and resistance in Iran – June 24

Today saw thousands of people come back out on to the streets of Iran in opposition to the brutality of the Iranian regime. The supreme leader has said that he will not yield to street protests and has not been shy in turning the squares and streets of Tehran into rivers of blood. Fierce clashes… Continue reading Another day of bloodshed and resistance in Iran – June 24

Message from Iranian Workers’ Free Trade Union

Message from Iranian Workers Free Trade Union 23 June 2009 Forty-eight days have passed since the suppression and arrest of workers’ gathering on International Labour Day – May Day. During this time our country has witnessed important events and we witness widespread and amazing changes in the social movement. During their televised debates the presidential… Continue reading Message from Iranian Workers’ Free Trade Union

New Rally planned in Iran

We reprint this article from Al-Jazeera English as it provides good information on unfolding developments within the opposition… Middle East Iran protesters plan new rally Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, the defeated main opposition candidate in Iran’s presidential election, have called for a protest outside parliament in Tehran in defiance of a government ban. The… Continue reading New Rally planned in Iran