Manchester HOPI: Punk benefit for Iranian Students

On Saturday the 24th of October around 80 people packed into a South Manchester house to enjoy punk, electronic and experimental acts perform in a basement at a fundraiser for Iranian political prisoners. The event was mainly attended by crust-punks, students and squatters who donated £100 to the cause. Simon Morris of Ceramic Hobs, (long… Continue reading Manchester HOPI: Punk benefit for Iranian Students

Public meeting: Israel, Iran, the nuclear pretext and the threat of war

Israeli anti-Zionist Moshe Machover of the Hopi Steering Committee will discuss what lies behind the renewed threats of intervention and increased sanctions against Iran from the US and Israel, and the utter hypocrisy of the nuclear pretext for ‘regime change’ in their own interests. Come along to join in the discussion and meet others committed… Continue reading Public meeting: Israel, Iran, the nuclear pretext and the threat of war

Hopi Annual General Meeting

Saturday November 28 2009 Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, London NW1 1EE (near Euston station). Registration from 10am. Download a leaflet here:  AGM leaflet front leaflet back Since the June 2009 elections, the situation in Iran has dramatically changed. Thousands have taken to the streets in defiant protest – despite the Iranian regime’s… Continue reading Hopi Annual General Meeting

Categorised as Events

Green road to nowhere

The sham presidential election of June 2009 has unleashed a rainbow of political forces, writes Yassamine Mather, including an increasingly strong red component. The task of the left is to support and strengthen the red component of this rainbow, the Iranian working class, as the only force capable of bringing about democracy, and the only… Continue reading Green road to nowhere

Do not deport Sheida Jahanbin!

Sheida Jahanbin, a former member of the Freedom and Equality Seeking Students in Iran, is facing deportation from the Netherlands where she resides in exile. Sheida is twenty seven years old. She was a student of Architecture and Graphic Design at the Azad University of Tehran before she was forced to abandon her studies and… Continue reading Do not deport Sheida Jahanbin!

The Iranian coup four months on

Mehdi Kia examines the state of the movement against the clerical regime It is now four months since the coup in Iran, thinly disguised as presidential elections. Even though the victors of the coup appear to have succeeded in consolidating themselves and the opposition forces have apparently been pushed back into defensive positions, the massive… Continue reading The Iranian coup four months on

1700 Iranian workers on hunger strike

1700 Iranian workers on hunger strike over unpaid wages – 1700 employees of Wagon Pars Company in Arak have gone on a hunger strike to protest the company’s failure to pay their wages and pension. ILNA’s Kar news agency reports that this is the ninth protest organized by the employees this year. The workers have… Continue reading 1700 Iranian workers on hunger strike