Iranian hunger strikers sew their lips together in protest at UK deportation

The Guardian – Four Iranians, including a 17-year-old boy, are on hunger strike and have sewn their lips together with fishing wire in protest at plans by the British government to send them back to Tehran. The men, who are among six protesters to have not eaten for 16 days, say they were beaten, tortured… Continue reading Iranian hunger strikers sew their lips together in protest at UK deportation

Workers Fund Iran at Hamburg Marathon 2011

Supporters of Workers Fund Iran will be pounding the streets in the Hamburg marathon on May 22. They will be getting their running shoes on to raise sponsorship money for the important and unique work of this charity – can you support them? Workers Fund Iran (WFI) was founded in December 2005 inspired by suggestions… Continue reading Workers Fund Iran at Hamburg Marathon 2011

Imprisoned student activist in coma

According to the Daneshjoo News website, since the onset of Arash Sadeghi’s hunger strike on March 15, 2010 until the present, his physical condition has severely deteriorated. The effects of torture by government agents has been so severe that the student activist fell into a coma today, forcing the Evin prison officials to transfer him… Continue reading Imprisoned student activist in coma

John McDonnell MP: Free Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners

John McDonnell MP launched the new campaign, ‘Free Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners in Iran’, at the February 12 annual conference of Hands Off the People of Iran. This is his speech: This campaign is at the heart of Hopi’s work for the coming year. We formed Hopi at a time when there was… Continue reading John McDonnell MP: Free Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners

Walking for Workers in Iran – Donate Here! Donate Now!

On March 4th five members of the Hands Off the People of Iran Manchester branch will be walking the Bogle, a fifty five mile walk round Manchester. We are walking to raise money for the charity Workers Fund Iran, which was set up in December 2005 with the aim to reduce and relieve poverty amongst… Continue reading Walking for Workers in Iran – Donate Here! Donate Now!

Hopi Annual General Meeting 2011

This successful meeting on February 12 2011 agreed to launch the campaign ‘Free Jafar Panahi and all political prisoners in Iran!’ For a report (first published in the Weekly Worker) , click here For videos of the event, click here For John McDonnell’s speech which launched the campaign, click here Find below information on the… Continue reading Hopi Annual General Meeting 2011

Videos: HOPI AGM 2011

Please click on the links to view the videos: Mark Fischer (Hopi secretary) opens Hopi AGM 2011 Wikileaks, war and revolution – Moshe Machover Wikileaks, war and revolution – Mike Macnair The situation in Iran – Ruben Markarian (Rahe Kargar) The situation in Iran – Yassamine Mather John McDonnell launches campaign ‘Free Jafar Panahi and… Continue reading Videos: HOPI AGM 2011

February 14: films about the protests in Iran

Tens of thousands of people defied a ban by the Islamic regime and protested on the streets of Iran on February 14 2011. The Iranian people are protesting in solidarity with the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt – now they want their own dictator and the whole regime to go. Some films we have been… Continue reading February 14: films about the protests in Iran