Audio interview with Yassamine Mather

In-depth interview with Yassamine Mather, chair of the Hands Off the People of Iran (HOPI) with the American ‘Stop Imperialism’. They discuss the geopolilitical issues surrounding Iran ranging from the controversy regarding the nuclear program to Iran’s relations with the West and the SCO. In addition, they examine some of the internal politics of Iran,… Continue reading Audio interview with Yassamine Mather

May Day protest

May Day protest of workers outside the Shahab Khodro car plant. The placard says:  “We are hungry”

Categorised as Iran News

Ideas to empower the anti-war movement

Michael Copestake reports on HOPI’s successful weekend school “The only thing that is certain is uncertainty,” said Labour MP John McDonnell in his talk at the April 21-22 weekend school organised by the Hands Off the People of Iran at the University of London Union. Given the negotiations between the five members of the United… Continue reading Ideas to empower the anti-war movement

Stop press: Majid Tamjidi to speak at Hopi school

The veteran labour activist and political analyst Majid Tamjidi, who now lives in exile, will be joining our weekend school on Saturday April 21 at 2.30pm. He will address the vital issue of ‘How sanctions and the Islamic regime destroy the Iranian working class’. His intervention comes at a time when thousands of jobs are… Continue reading Stop press: Majid Tamjidi to speak at Hopi school

Yassamine Mather: Our duty to Iran’s working class

(This article first appeared in the Weekly Worker) It seems such a long time that there have been threats of military action against Iran without them being followed through that some people may have become a bit blasé. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf too many times perhaps. However, the reality… Continue reading Yassamine Mather: Our duty to Iran’s working class