Videos from Hopi’s weekend school

Hopi’s weekend school took place on April 21-22 2012 in London. The rest of the videos will be available soon. For a report of the event, see here:

Hands Off the People of Iran!
Yassamine Mather und Mark Fischer, both members of the steering committee of Hands Off the People of Iran, describe the main discussions that took place at our weekend school on April 21-22 in London

Solidarity with the people in Iran!
– John McDonnell MP
– Donnache De Long, president of National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
– Sarah McDonald, participant of marathon in aid of Workers Fund Iran
– Ali Pichgah, veteran oil workers’ organiser

How sanctions and the Islamic regime destroy the Iranian working class
– Majid Tamjidi, veteran labour activist and political analyst

Israel, Iran and the Middle East
РMosh̩ Machover, Israeli socialist and founder of Matzpen

The political economy of the Iranian regime

– Mohamed R. Shalgouni, Rahe Kargar/Organisation of Revolutionary Workers in Iran
– Yassamine Mather, Hands Off the People Iran steering committee

War, imperialism and the capitalist crisis
Speaker: Mike Macnair, Communist Party of Great Britain. This speech was delivered at the 21-22 April 2012 weekend school of Hands Off the People of Iran

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