John McDonnell: honorary president of HOPI now shadow chancellor

Hands Off the People of Iran congratulates Labour’s John McDonnell on his appointment as shadow chancellor. The MP for Hayes and Harlington was a founding member of HOPI and is honorary president of the organisation. He has consistently opposed imperialist intervention in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East, as well as supporting movements for democracy from below. We… Continue reading John McDonnell: honorary president of HOPI now shadow chancellor

Ideas to empower the anti-war movement

Michael Copestake reports on HOPI’s successful weekend school “The only thing that is certain is uncertainty,” said Labour MP John McDonnell in his talk at the April 21-22 weekend school organised by the Hands Off the People of Iran at the University of London Union. Given the negotiations between the five members of the United… Continue reading Ideas to empower the anti-war movement