Show trials and apologetics

Just as Iranian ex-leftwingers in the west call for reconciliation between the two wings of the Islamic regime, the ruling faction clamps down on its rivals. Yassamine Mather reports The Stalinist show trial of Saturday August 1 – when a number of prominent ‘reformists’ appeared on Iranian state TV to ‘thank their interrogators’ before repenting… Continue reading Show trials and apologetics

Crackdown on Iranian oil workers

Hopi activists have heard  that a number of oil workers and  employees at the Tehran Oil refinery havee been arrested – a clear sign that the regime fears a strike. The oil workers’ militancy is in part due to their anger about Ahmadinejad’s  silly attempts to artificially create a better price of oil per barrel… Continue reading Crackdown on Iranian oil workers

Protest at Tehran University

Defying the stringent security measures taken by the regime, large crowds gathered outside Tehran Uni today. From what we can gather, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani’s ‘Friday Prayers’ speech sought to avoid controversy as much as possible, but he did keep referring to the ‘crisis’ in Iran and the need to save the ‘Islamic State’. Moreover, he… Continue reading Protest at Tehran University

Iran: their solidarity and ours

Yassamine Mather examines a regime in crisis and looks to working class forces for a solution The continuation of demonstrations and protests against the Islamic republic of Iran, albeit on a smaller scale than two weeks ago, have fuelled further divisions at every level of the religious state: the Shia scholars of Ghom oppose the… Continue reading Iran: their solidarity and ours