Children of ayatollahs flaunt their wealth

Three deadly road accidents in one week, involving expensive cars driven by super-rich young Iranians, have dominated this week’s news in Iran – especially after the country’s supreme leader, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, used a meeting with police chiefs to criticise fast-driving, wealthy youngsters. Khamenei said: “I hear that young people from the generation of wealth,… Continue reading Children of ayatollahs flaunt their wealth

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Will the deal bring peace?

Finally, after eight days of intensive negotiations, on April 2 Iran and the P5+1 powers agreed a statement of intent, which will become the framework for the final deal to be signed in June 2015. This does not mean the US administration has decided on a strategy of rapprochement with Iran – the proposed ‘framework’… Continue reading Will the deal bring peace?

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پرگار: آینده دمکراسی BBC Persian

آیا جوامع دمکراتیک دچار بحران دمکراسی نشده اند؟ به این معنا که کیفیت شاخص های دمکراسی در آنها افول نکرده است؟ ولی چرا این موضوع برای کسانی که در جوامع غیردمکراتیک زندگی می کنند باید مهم باشد؟

CIA roots of Islamist fundamentalism

Did outrage caused by the provocations of an irreverent magazine provoke the Paris attacks? Yassamine Mather looks beyond this simplistic myth Afghan mujahedin: paid for by Washington first published in the Weekly Worker On Sunday January 11, according to France’s ministry of interior, at least 3.7 million people marched across France to support the freedom… Continue reading CIA roots of Islamist fundamentalism

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Pargar: debate about Thomas Piketty’s Book

BBC Persian پرگار: نظریه توماس پیکتی هشتاد و پنج نفر از ثروتمندترین افراد روی زمین، مجموعا یک تریلیون دلار ثروت دارند، معادل ثروت سه و نیم میلیارد نفر از جمعیت فقیر دنیا. آیا چهره ی سرمایه داری …