Out of step with the masses

With the crisis-ridden Islamic regime wracked by divisions, what is the state of Iran’s opposition? Yassamine Mather surveys the sorry scene Statements from some of the most senior clerics of Iran’s Islamic state has left little doubt that the Shia republic is in deep crisis. First came the rather sad sermon of ayatollah Ali Akbar… Continue reading Out of step with the masses

Iranian student activist Alireza Davoudi dies from torture inflicted injuries

Hopi activists have just received the sad news that Iranian activist Alireza Davoudi died yesterday from a heart attack resulting from the extreme torture he was subjected to in the Islamic Republic’s jails. This is a sad loss to our movement and our hearts go out to his family, comrades and friends.

Interview mit Yassamine Mather zur Frage des ‘antiimperialistischen’ Charakters des iranischen Regimes

Interview mit Yassamine Mather, Sprecherin der Organisation “Hands Off the People of Iran” (HOPI) zur Frage des “antiimperialistischen” Charakters des iranischen Regimes – Interview with Hopi spokesperson Yassamine Mather on the question of the ‘anti-imperialist’ character of the Iranian regime. A.Holberg Würden Sie bitte die Geschichte und das Programm von “Hands Off the People of… Continue reading Interview mit Yassamine Mather zur Frage des ‘antiimperialistischen’ Charakters des iranischen Regimes

Categorised as Articles

Crackdown on Iranian oil workers

Hopi activists have heard  that a number of oil workers and  employees at the Tehran Oil refinery havee been arrested – a clear sign that the regime fears a strike. The oil workers’ militancy is in part due to their anger about Ahmadinejad’s  silly attempts to artificially create a better price of oil per barrel… Continue reading Crackdown on Iranian oil workers

Rafsanjani’s Full Speech

From the LA Times As far as the occasions of the week are concerned, the most important occasion was the death anniversary Imam Kazem, our seventh [Shiite] imam, who was one of our most oppressed imams who experienced much hardship. His excellency became an imam when he was 20 years old and during his whole… Continue reading Rafsanjani’s Full Speech