Time to shed illusions

Only the international solidarity of our class can deliver a lasting solution, writes Yassamine Mather As the situation in the Middle East continues to deteriorate, and in the wake of renewed political and military efforts led by the United States, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and his Iranian allies have gone onto the offensive. On December 6,… Continue reading Time to shed illusions

Imperialism has no progressive role in Kobanê

The group formerly known as Daesh (Isis), now Islamic State, entered the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobanê In the early hours of Tuesday October 7. As this statement is issued, air strikes seem to have halted its advance for the moment, street-to-street fighting is taking place and initial reports suggest that in these battles secular… Continue reading Imperialism has no progressive role in Kobanê

The origins, politics and economics of the Islamic State

Consequences of IS atrocities disorientate the left Every day news of new atrocities by the Islamic State is making headlines. From the beheading of young journalists to the mass extermination of religious and national minorities in Iraq and Syria, there seems to be no end to the barbarism and brutality of this latest brand of… Continue reading The origins, politics and economics of the Islamic State

Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation

Last week, the leader of the Islamic state (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or Isis) appeared in Friday prayers in Mosul addressing Muslims worldwide. At least this is what his supporters claimed after a week when the organisation had declared the territory under their control a “caliphate”. On July 3 the… Continue reading Descent into regional chaos, horror and fragmentation